Words are powerful by Jacq Koloski

Do you ever stop and actually listen to the words you use? Words have their own unique energy. If you stop and tune in and pay attention to how you feel when you use words, you will become aware of the energy of it. What is the energy of the word saying or implying? 

We can look at the dictionary meaning of the word and we can also look at what our beliefs and experiences are with words. When I’m working with clients and they share what is happening for them, I pick up on the energy of the words they use and often that is where I will ask them more questions. For example: talking with a client and they share about their relationship and they say share that their wife/husband/partner are nagging at them to get things done. 

The word that has the most intensity of energy on it is what I hear, feel and I see the energy of that word. It could be spiral shaped, flowing, swirls any type of pattern at all. This is the starting point for asking that client questions around what that word means for them. As they start talking about it I feel the energy of it shift and change shape as they go deeper and deeper within themselves to the core of what that word actually means for them. What does it bring up for them at the core of it? This is where they then choose to acknowledge what that is for them or not. I often find that at this point they have this intense release and let go, a deep breath and the energy of that word starts to flow and the intensity has gone. The client often feels lighter, clearer about a situation or event and can see other possibilities that are available to them. It’s beautiful to see. 

When we start being aware of the words we use, we give ourselves a gift. The gift of self awareness, seeing what we focus on and creating in our life. Our words are powerful and being aware and mindful of the words we use can shift our world and our perspective. It shows us what our beliefs are around various situations and where we may also be limiting ourselves. 

💜Take time to hear what you are saying. What words do you use over and over again. See how this is showing up in your life.

💜 What is showing up in your life? Take a look and then see what words or phrases you keep using. 

💜It takes practice to stop and be aware of the words you use. Pay attention. Use another word or rephrase a sentence if needed. 

This all takes time and self awareness. Take the time to practice listening to yourself. You have all that you need within to make the changes needed. You are worth it.

If you are needing guidance and support I offer mentoring sessions. You can connect with me at: connectingwithjacqueline@gmail.com

If you would like to order your own copy of Jacq’s Musings, please click here: JACQ’S MUSINGS

Jacq Koloski

Jacq Koloski is an intuitive energy mentor and accomplished author, who empowers individuals to find clarity, heal, flourish and craft a life they love through her workshops and sessions.

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