Your Cover is your book’s soul by Julia Van Der Sluys

“Your eyes are the windows to your soul.”

We have all heard that right? And the same goes for your cover. It is literally the first thing people see of your book baby. While they may then read the back, have a bit of a flick through and see if it still tickles their fancy – it is the cover  that gives them that little ooh factor to pick it up in the first place, or scroll further in this tech age.

Now that is not to say that is has to be super duper fancy with all the bells and whistles on. Not at all. It can be as simple or as fancy as it wants to be.

The important question is, what does your book need for the cover?

As in, what is speaking to you as you write it. Are you getting flashes, or ideas around what it could look like? You don’t have to have a clear picture but maybe certain aspects are coming to you.

It could be that as you go through the process, a certain artist keeps getting your attention or even a certain style of cover.

While it doesn’t mean that all of it is set in stone, it at least gives you a starting point of where to go. Of some ideas to float to whoever you are getting to do your cover so they have an idea to start with and it can evolve from there.

I will also say, sometimes we have no blooming clue and in that case, it can be really awesome to go to your cover designer and say surprise me. The right designer will be able to draw inspo from your words and perhaps create something more magical than you could ever imagine!!

The biggest thing I can say is go with your intuition, and the little nudges the universe will give you.

And if you can swing it, get a professional to do it. They know what they are doing and while I am sure we could all do it ourselves if given the chance, give your book the gift of standing out by having the best looking cover possible.

Let the magic of your book come out to play in your cover. It WILL tell you in one way or another the perfect way it wants to be shown 😊

Write your book in 2025 and find out more at:

Julia Van Der Sluys

Julia is the inspiring woman behind, intuitive self-publishing company, White Light Publishing. Let Julia and her team assist you with making your book writing and card deck dream a reality.



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