Take Inspired Action with Your New Year’s Resolutions! By Jo Shipley

As the New Year unfolds, many of us set bold resolutions with the best of intentions. But within a few weeks, these resolutions often fall by the wayside, and we find ourselves asking, ‘Why do I lose motivation, and how can I fix it?’. Online self-help offers many explanations, from a lack of clear goals and fear of failure to overwhelm and a lack of reward. But there is one key reason that underpins it all: inner alignment – or more precisely, the lack of it.

Motivation often fails because we focus on surface-level goals without addressing the deeper emotional or psychological roots of our behaviour.

If you’re a follower of Law of Attraction guru Esther Hicks, you may have heard Abraham say, ‘Motivation is trying to make yourself do something you don’t want to do, whereas inspired action (which comes from being aligned with your inner being) is having the clarity to do what you are vibrationally matched with.’

So, how do we become vibrationally matched?

Let’s use a common example of setting a goal to lose weight. If we don’t explore the emotional reasons behind the weight gain or clear any energetic blocks impeding our weight loss journey, our efforts are likely to falter. For example, insecurities in a relationship or a lack of self-worth may be related to a blocked root chakra. This may lead to further feelings of anxiety and fear, which can result in overeating as a grounding mechanism. Whereas a blocked throat chakra may suppress true feelings, causing weight gain as a physical manifestation of unexpressed emotions.

The key is to understand our deep-rooted negative self-beliefs, understand how they impact our energetic fields and then clear any energetic blocks that prevent our energy from flowing freely in our bodies.

Now, this can be a big task and a lifelong healing journey – but this is where crystals can help!

How can crystals help increase alignment and motivation?

By choosing the right crystal, you can work with your energy body to shift stuck energetic blocks and bring any sabotaging subconscious beliefs to the surface for healing and transformation. When thinking about your goals, take a deeper dive into the motivation behind them and ask yourself, ‘What are the deep emotional factors behind my desire? or, ‘what is really holding me back?’  These answers will help you choose a crystal to match the emotion that needs working with.

When choosing crystals, I always encourage people to let their intuition be their guide, but here are a couple of powerful crystals to get you started:

Amber – Often considered a stone of ancient wisdom and a powerful healer, the earth energy of fossilized tree resin has a warm, golden energy that resonates with the solar plexus chakra, enhancing your will, confidence, and clarity. Amber helps you understand the ‘why’ behind your goals, bringing light to emotional patterns that may sabotage your progress. It promotes a positive mental state and helps dissolve opposition, connecting your desires with the drive to achieve them, making it a perfect tool for manifesting both material and emotional goals.

Chrysoprase – A heart-healing crystal with a strong connection to the creative sacral chakra. Its soothing green hue helps release emotional pain and fosters self-acceptance, encouraging non-egotistical thinking and openness to new situations. When we align with our deeper emotional needs, our goals take on greater meaning. For instance, if emotional eating has been a barrier to weight loss, working with chrysoprase can help uncover and identify the core emotions that drive that behaviour.

If you’re looking for extra support to gently boost your motivation and uncover any stuck energy patterns, consider working with a qualified crystal energy healer who can help remove any energetic blocks and align your energy field.

Jo offers in-person crystal energy healing sessions in Canberra if you’d like to explore this further. To learn more about Jo’s work and to book an online healing session with her, visit www.sixthsensehealing.com.au.

Jo Shipley

Jo is an Energy Healer, Crystal Medicine Worker, and Reiki Master who helps people improve their mind, body and spirit through the rebalancing of their energy fields. With a deep passion for earth energies, plant medicine, and crystals, she offers healing sessions in Canberra and regional NSW.

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