Finishing 2024 in deep hibernation, I came across some information that resonated deeply with me.
There are many different flavours of numerology, which have roots going back to ancient Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Rome, China and India to name a few places. Also, it can be traced back to Jewish traditions and seems to be quite widespread within the world and its history.
It’s a tradition used for self-reflection and deeper self-inquiry. It can help with understanding more about oneself and the roles we play in life and how we connect with others.
Stepping into 2025, which is both a personal 9 year and a collective 9 year, I came to see my life and path differently.
This year much is already falling away and I am letting go of what I once thought it would be.
A 9 year is considered to be about endings, completion of a cycle, transformation and deep change. Opportunities arise to reflect on where we’ve been, looking at the past with newer understanding and compassion for what was.
It asks us to surrender and let go of the illusions we once held fast to. To nurture ourselves as we ride this wild ride, we find ourselves on.
There can be a lot of old energy that is rising to the surface for us to acknowledge and allow. This is part of the process of unravelling what was and letting ourselves receive the new.
2025 can also be asking us to complete projects we’ve started and let go of anything that has run its course. Being kind and gentle with yourself and allowing what will rise, to rise up and release from your system.
Here are a few simple formulas to look up, collective and personal numbers.
Collective year number
The year that you are interested in deciphering.
2025 = 2+0+2+5 = 9
Your Personal Life Path number
Add your birth day + birth month + birth Year
Then add them together to get to a single digit number
Example, mine is 21st of June 1984.
This equates to this formula
2+1+0+6+1+9+8+4 = 31
3+1 = 4
To get your personal year number, you can use this formula
Add your birth day + birth month + current Year
2+1+0+6+2+0+2+5 = 18
1+8 = 9
I find it incredibly fascinating and the information I’ve gathered resonates with where I am at, at any given moment.
We have many tools and wisdom available to us and it is up to us to make use of them.
We are never alone on this path and there is support, love and guidance whenever we need.
Reach out and ask.
Can sound simple and also be one of the hardest lessons for some of us.
Next month I will share more about the various numbers and how they can be utilised for your personal journey.
May this year flow with ease, grace and many blessings your way.
Connect with Alexis and hear her latest live readings and interviews at her Facebook group:
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