LOVE YOURSELF – what does that mean? The year 2023 is the year to know this deep in your heart and I will share the Sacred Geometry law and the Secret Codes to Success® from Atlantis so you can practice and integrate this for now and always.
Over the last 25 years working as a Medical Intuitive Practitioner and teaching Medical Intuition, I found the following to be true and the real meaning of love of self. Clients would see me for pain, hurt, loss and disease. However, the Secret Codes to Success® explain that when you are in pain, disease or loss you are healthy and in an awakening process to the true you. When in this state, reality is no longer perfect. It suddenly feels very dual because all your prior wishes, wants and desires are replaced by you wanting the pain gone.
Loving yourself goes beyond loving the body and mind. It can only exist in the understanding that the self is boundless and non-separate. You may have worked on yourself as a person and on non-judgement. And yet the Universal laws of attraction state not to ‘work on Yourself’ as you are pure love. Love of self is full acceptance of yourself at any age or stage of your life.
What many do not realise is that it is a choice to play the game of illusion such as pain and disease/disharmony. The fear, sadness, disease is a reminder of duality which is a separation from oneness. Bad feelings are created by separation, known as ego. When you allow divinity back into your life by listening to your heart, there is no duality of pain.
When you give meaning to your suffering, you then tell yourself it is acceptable. How many of you will say, “if I am meant to be on that course, the money will turn up?” In fact, you create your own world by what you think and believe. Once there was a belief that there was a point and reality to hardship and yet there isn’t. Have you heard that you must work hard for your money? Why, when you can make life anything you want?
When you understand the true absolute consciousness of love and ‘I am you and you are me’, we realise that there is only one. We are not separate. We are then in love with ourselves. Therefore, success is accepting you as you are and always knowing you came into the world as love and will always be love. My affirmation for you for this year is “I am lovable, loving, loved and love”.
P: 07 5641 4009
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