Are you in need of new beginning crystals? By Charlie Lally

These gems can help you start a new chapter in your life when you’re ready.

Crystals can be a big asset when making a significant change in one’s life. You can use crystals in a variety of ways, including meditation, affirmations, crystal jewellery, visualising, writing, and placing them around your home are just a few of the many ways of using crystals.

The following are some of my favourite crystals for new beginnings:


Labradorite is recognized as a stone of change, strengthening one’s inner worth and will. Colourful Labradorite is a powerful gemstone that stretches throughout the aura, enhancing the body’s natural energy and protecting against negative influences. Known as a magic stone, Labradorite aids in the development of one’s psychic skills.

Affirmation: “I manifest magic in my life”

Rainbow Moonstone

Rainbow Moonstone is a stone for love, romance, and new beginnings. It is said that Rainbow Moonstone connects the wearer to the goddess of love and light, the Moon. It may help you find happiness and love in your life. A positive outlook enhanced feminine energy, sensitivity, intuition and psychic powers are all attributed to this gemstone. A belief is that it can bring abundance into a person’s life.

Affirmation: “I am ready to find my true destiny”


Chrysocolla is one of the gentlest of stones. Native Americans have long utilised Chrysocolla as a healing stone to increase the body’s resilience to illness and emotional stress because of its connotations with tranquillity, peace, intuition, patience, and unconditional love. It’s also been used to calm people down when they’re agitated, and it can be utilised to clean up a space or bring harmony back to a person’s life.

Affirmation: “I am calm and at peace”


Love, happiness, and abundance are all attractive to Citrine. If you’re looking to enhance your self-esteem and radiate emotions of happiness, then this is the perfect gemstone. Solar Plexus and Navel chakras are activated and energised by Citrine’s dazzling yellow and gold energy, which helps to direct personal power, creativity, and intelligent decisiveness to the physical body.

Affirmation: “I am abundant”


Amethyst is one of the best-known energy crystals. There are many benefits to using amethyst as a natural stress reliever. It has the ability to cleanse, purify one’s energy field, and insulate oneself from unwanted influences and attachments.

Low-level energies, psychic attacks, geopathic stress, and harmful settings are all kept at bay by this protective energy field. Negative energy is banished from your home and body, while positive energy is drawn in. Powerful healing aids in purifying force. Addictions and blocks of all types can be overcome with the help of this method. It is a sleep aid. Brings out the best in people and rids them of their negative feelings.

Affirmation: “I am tranquil & at peace with life”

Please contact me for further information on crystals or to schedule a reading.

Love, light, and healing, Charlie,

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Charlie Lally

Charlie Lally is the creator of Heavenly Crystals Online and an intuitive psychic-medium and accredited and certified crystal healer.

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