2023-The Energy  by Yvonne Fregon

My friends, we are delighted to be here with you in such a time of celebration, happiness, laughter, and goodwill.

A new dawn coming, a new day breaks, a new year has started.

It’s a time of renewal, a time to move forward with a bounce in your step and put the past behind you.

Of course, there will be challenges for you to overcome, “to ride it out” as they say.

Put your best foot forward and meet this year with renewed vigour, and vitality.

Feel the energy of the coming year starting to lift you up to raise your spirits, as you shake off all past negativities, and greet the year that’s coming with all the positiveness that you can muster.

A new year, a new dawn and many of them.

Feel the lightness in your step as you plan your year ahead.

Feel enjoyment and embrace what is yet to come.

Seek the joy in all you do.

Use all the tools at your disposal to keep yourself feeling up.

Nature is a great invigorator – a great healer – and is energy.

It’s energy there for you to absorb.

Make time to be in nature. No matter how small that time may be

but make time to enjoy the smell of the ocean, the sand in between your toes, the water; the salty water that invigorates you and, conversely,  the greenness of the fields, the tress and the leaves.

These are the places that you will find the ability to reinvigorate yourself when your work.

Your hard work, on a daily basis draws away your energy as you do your best to continue to meet and overcome challenges, no matter how big, no matter how small.

Even so, do not forget the greenery near to where you live.

You don’t need to travel, to trek to the forest or to the sea.

It is invigorating and re-generative, but you can do this by looking

and absorbing nature closer to your home.

It is your mind and how you think of these things that is important.

It is important to go outside and absorb the energy that is around you and surrounds you.

Though you may not be aware of this – it is there.

Draw and breath in the energy that you sense from the sky and the clouds, the grass, the trees, and the tweeting of the birds. Even the storm clouds have energy for you to partake in.

And do not forget the energy that comes from within.

From the time you sit quietly, and go within, ask the energy of your heart, the energy from your heart, from your love of yourself, to be ignited even more, as you ask the energy from Spirit to lift you up and to keep yourself in a higher vibration than before.

It’s all just being aware that you can do this so simply, so simply – as long as you take those precious seconds or minutes

out of your day to recognise and absorb the energy and clear any negativity away from yourself as well.

Your thoughts are what are powerful in achieving your will, in achieving your ability to raise yourself up, to charge yourself with energy and draw it in wherever you are.

A simple exercise, one in your busy, busy lives that is often forgotten is following the breath of course – the breath – the breathing in and out also brings the energy into your body. Do not forget the breath my friends.

And while the day may be serious for you as the year unfolds, laughter and singing, even a hum will also raise your energy and lighten your load and lift you up!

Thank you, my friends, for listening as we join our hands together in joy and love for you and for the Great One who oversees all.

You can find more about the heartfelt CD Yvie has released, sessions details, as well as her regular blog and gallery at:  www.owlhousearts.com

Yvonne Fregon

Yvonne (Evie) is the founder of Owl House Arts – heart and soul services. Her purpose is to bring together products and services to bring healing, hope, love and comfort to people anywhere in the world who are having a tough time with life.

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