As I write this, 2024 is almost over and 2025 is about to begin. 

Rather than setting resolutions for the new year, I like to start the new year by reflecting on the past year and by contemplating what I would like to experience and do in the year ahead.

As I begin the new year, I like to use the following 3 activities:


Choosing a word for the new year is an opportunity to plant a seed to guide decisions and create a focus point for the year.  The word for the year is also a constant and gentle reminder to focus on and create a positive difference in daily life.  

Some of my words for past years have been:- connection, clarity and dynamic.

Examples of words could be –

            Positive          Adventure    Growth          Heal                Explore

            Resilience      Thrive            Courage        Reflect           Flourish

To choose a word, I encourage you to come into stillness, using your breath as a guide and drop into your heart. After a short time in stillness and coming into your body, you will become receptive and more able to invite your word into your consciousness. When you are open and willing to receive, your word will become clear to you. Once you have chosen your word, you may wish to write it on note paper or set as daily reminder in your phone. Having your word in a location that you can see multiple times a day serves as a gentle reminder to help you move you toward how you want to feel or be.

The key is to find the word that resonates deeply with your aspirations and challenges for the year ahead.  The word carries its own unique energy and potential for personal transformation.


Living a life in gratitude is essential to help you feel happier and more content. Gratitude brings you into the present moment, helps you feel more positive and reduces stress. Focusing on what you are thankful for helps train your brain to spot the good in life and makes challenges more manageable.

When choosing what you are grateful for, let yourself really feel it in your body, mind and heart. The more specific your feelings, the better. If you can hold a positive feeling for 10 to 20 seconds, it is more likely to be committed to long-term memory.

There are things that we are forever grateful for, like your cat, dog, children or mum. The real magic lies in looking for new and different things for which to be grateful for.


A new hobby can enhance your ability to relax, reset the brain and recharge your spirits. A hobby can offer a break from the daily grind and an opportunity to meet up with friends or make new ones. 

Studies have shown that a hobby can make you more productive at work.  Hobbies can also remind us that work is not the only thing in our lives and that work isn’t everything.

Hobbies can be strenuous or mellow and laid back.  Hobbies may include jogging, yoga, gardening, baking or art classes.

The hobby that I am choosing to take up this year is pottery, to enhance my creativity.  What will you choose?

Leeann has co-authored in 2 Amazon Bestsellers, the first being “Soul Warrior” and the second “Rising Into Greatness” which can be purchased on Amazon.

Please contact Leeann on 0417 704 281 or email leeann@leeannkime.com.

Leeann Kime

Leeann is an experienced Coach, Medical Intuitive Energy Healer, Art of Feminine Presence Facilitator and Yoga Teacher. Leeann has mentored women for over 30 years gently guiding them to experience more joy and fulfilment in their lives. She has co-authored 2 Amazon Bestsellers; “Soul Warrior”& “Rising Into Greatness”.

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