SOC—(Stream Of Conscious/No Thinking)–WRITING

Well, swell, hell, bell, fell over and cracked an onion. We wish we could be the fun one. But we work at being the nose-to-the-grindstone. Whatever a modern grindstone would be. SOC … hee, hee, hee. Tickle me. Fiddle-de-de.

Wheeeee! Look at me. I’m up, up and away on this early warmish day. The kittycat is all in—flat on the floor. Although he doesn’t snore, I’m sure he’s deep in dreamland. What would a cat dream about? Twist and shout? Trout? Mice in his tummy? Scarfing up something yummmmmyyy? Oh me. Oh my. Birds in the sky. Pudding and pie. Live or die as a “good” girl or guy. Tickle me pink as I stand at the sink, washing stuff down in the blink of an eye.

Does anyone wonder about the rules? Who decides? Who says YES? Who says NO? We flow or we bump into ridiculous curves of rolling boulders. Our shoulders cave and crumble a bit as we split hairs trying to be “she” or “he” who shows up “appropriately.” Hmmm. Dumm-dumm-dumm. … We tie ourselves in raggedy knots trying to fit the “shoulds” and “nots.” So many plots of sink and stew and treading through what’s expected to do.

Whew! Enough of this stuff. Blow hard. Waste not. Seek air. Don’t care. What the hell is going on? I want to sing a silly song.  Better late than never. Really? Is that True? For me–or for you? Hold on to your hat. Do you even have a hat? And if so, is it top or flat?

Be. See. Free. What does that mean to you? To me? Sometimes stirring hearts can be depleted from too much sticky “fitting in.” Who’s “fit” do I want to join? Do I want to join at all? Is that just carrying the social ball?

Am I ready to shine as the real me? To turn up my lights? To go forth, not as “shoulds” and “do’s” and “don’t” and “musts”? How about–go forth as ME? YES! Hell, YESSSS! Bless ME! The Real Deal! The me who cares about—oh my God!—ME! Let’s see where that takes me. Up to flying in shining bright skies. Beings who love me and look deep in my eyes. Wanting to know—REALLY KNOW—who is really here. Gracefully learning to meet me where it counts. In my heart. So, sun, where are you today? I miss your bright shining in so many ways.

OK. Enough with the silly rhymes. Bless myself. Be on time, for—-ME! ME! ME! Who would have guessed? We’re all so taught to trample the YES! to ourselves. It’s always “yes” to—Mommy or Daddy, teachers or preachers. This, not that. Thin, not fat. Up, not down. Smile, don’t frown. Sink your snaggly ship. You’re always wrong. Because mommy, daddy and others are always right.

Stand up girl! Unfurl your shining! No more pining for lost horizons. You’ve got what it takes. Take your foot off the brakes. Get off the shelf. Smile at YOURSELF. Bless YOU all the way. Everyday. You have so much to share. Here. There. Everywhere. YOUR love, YOUR say. Not the “approved” or expected way.

SING! SPEAK! ALL! BE! SEE! – THEE! Near and far, sweet shining star. Oh, ME, oh my. Wings up—and FLY! FLY! FLY! You might even meet—hang on to your hat!–an incredible guy. HoHoHo! Away I go!

Inspirational Author, Survivor, Presenter, Coach

Power of Play * Rambunctious Writing * Living Fully Joyshops for:

Health, Community Connection, Creativity, Awareness

Adults * Teens * Kids * Workplace * Families * Homeschool

Sunshine Coast, Australia:  61 (0)41 751 6680  /

Barbara Brewster

Barbara is an author, adventurer, awareness addict, Patch Adams clown, “wounded healer,” “Joy Machine” entertainer & inspirational speaker, who LOVES supporting people to gain greater awareness, tools, skills and enthusiasm for exploring, embracing, and expressing the fullness of their TRUE selves in all areas of their lives.

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