A Metaphor for the Human Desire for Goodness by Reena Terreping

Continued from last month- an alternative view of diabetes…

And so, it has turned out that a ‘good person’, or the person who has diabetes says with firm conviction, “If he would change himself, then I would be happy.” “If the director paid me a good salary, I would have a good life.” “If the president put order in the country, I would have no worries.” “If my brother comes to his senses, my heart will be satisfied or if my sister would fight with me less, my life would be happy.” And a person who thinks like this, may not see how diabetes quietly approaches to teach a person to understand who has the skewed thinking.

The blood sugar level changes in minutes according to the thoughts that go through a person’s head. Blood sugar tests are done several times a day to catch possible fluctuations. If a person is struggling with their life problems during the tests and cannot calm down, then the results can fluctuate, but they do not have to be symptomatic at all.

You have probably all felt the sudden need for something sweet from time to time, and if it’s not at hand, then you feel weakness, nauseous, headache, powerlessness, and your body becomes cold and sweaty. The mind does not seem to work. Why? An alternative perspective from Estonia, “A Teaching of Survival” shares, a person wants to do good and wants to be a good person. The fear of not being loved drives a person to do good for “others”, and others like it. The person who is ‘doing good’ is acknowledged, praised – therefore loved. It gives them wings and makes them want to be good to as many people as possible. Little by little, the desire to show oneself, to prove oneself, to do something special and to be better than others is present. Those close to them get used to their extreme diligence, industriousness, and special energy. A person who blushes with praise does not notice that they’ve been taken advantage of, but they do notice the amount of praising does not increase. They feel they are sucked dry, and reach the limit of their capacity, and then can feel that neither they nor others are satisfied with themselves anymore.

To make a long story short: diabetes is about wanting others to make your life good.

Because this mentality of demanding from others is so entrenched and medicine has done everything to make a diabetic person’s life comfortable/good, it can be difficult to reverse diabetes. Living off the good of others does not make anyone happy.

If a person is not afraid of their illness, then the illness is a companion that is taken into account and therefore does not worsen or cause complications. But whoever believes that diabetes can be fully treated, can find the strength to give freedom to their corresponding emotional patterns. If a person wants something from their heart, they will get it.

 (Viilma, L. 1997, A Teaching of Survival: Part 3, pp. 77-84).

Connect with Reena for her next gluten-free, sugar-free baking classes and personal sessions at: www.walkwithme.website

Reena Terreping

Reena Terreping is an Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner, and offers frequency sessions using the Healy device. She loves making healthy cakes and treats, and creates recipes and provides cooking classes. Reena loves to write about: food, eating, emotional problems, body conditions and life generally.

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