A Unique Cosmic Connection By Vanessa Finnigan

Have you felt strange and out of sorts over the last 18 months? The good news, according to Elizabeth Peru, internationally renowned cosmic guide and author, is that there may be more to the picture than just what’s happening in your life.

Whether it’s planets in retrograde, solar flares, super moons or the collective consciousness being cleansed or ramped up, Elizabeth has her intuitive finger on the pulse. In fact, since 2001 she has been regularly sharing her accurate insights, creating an explosion of interest in her work.

“My Tip-Off Global Energy Forecasts help people work with the energies, so they realise that it’s not them, there is a bigger energy at play,” she shared.

Elizabeth has a beautiful, kind, gentle energy and at the same time, a regal confidence and a universal knowing. However, she was quick to share she leads a normal life in Adelaide and enjoys connecting with people (rather than being a spiritual hermit). And when it comes to self-care, Elizabeth mentioned it’s things like dancing, gardening and daily physical movement that assist her the most. “Every day I speak to my angelic guides on my walks and you have to have a strong body to manage this energy,” she said. And 20 years ago she started to eat mostly vegetarian food which helped to raise her vibration and over the last few years, she has transitioned to a vegan diet.

I asked her how she came to be an international cosmic guide…

As a child, Elizabeth was always very aware (she was conscious of her own birth) and thought something big would come about in her life. She would often blurt out what people were thinking (as a child you have no filter), much to the surprise of the adults around her. “I always had an innate knowing I could read energy really easily, which is good and it also can be confusing at times. So you feel the energy coming off someone but they may deny it and then you question yourself. So it takes time to trust yourself and use discernment about what to say, to whom and when,” she shared.

In the late 1990s, Elizabeth commenced her spiritual journey and enthusiastically attended workshops and meditation groups every week. “I used to love following the patterns of the stars and would read astrology forecasts (even though I have never studied astrology people often think I am an astrologer but I’m not). And I would always look to my own life to see how that would play out. The people in the small meditation groups I attended would talk about their week and I would think to myself, “I know why that’s occurring, it’s due to a Mercury Retrograde. Should I say something? But I didn’t. Then a few weeks later, everyone was commenting on the emotional stuff going on in their lives, so I finally shared my insights with them.” And the general consensus was that Elizabeth was spot-on with her insights and the group members encouraged her to share her wisdom far and wide and with more people.

So she began sending out a group email in 2001 to colleagues and they really resonated with the timely information she shared and at the same time Elizabeth was offering workshops and mentoring sessions and had a column in a national magazine.

Then by 2003, she was fully devoted to sending out a newsletter where she talked about the energies and shared what was happening globally and that’s when she birthed ‘The Tip-Off Global Energy Forecasts’ through social media and via her blog.

By 2014, Elizabeth couldn’t keep up with the demand from the public feedback and requests. And that’s when it developed into a paid subscription format and that helped to expand things further and replaced the other work she was involved with. “Soul kept saying to me – ‘you’ve got to get your work out to more people’ and with the advent of social media this is when the global work came in and that was always part of my vision. One of my pet peeves when I was a student, was I could never find an energy forecast for the southern hemisphere, it was always written for the US and the UK. I have always written for everyone and I intuit it, it’s not like astrology where they look at alignments of planets. I feel the energy and relay it to everyone. It’s worked from day one and I love being able to reach people all over the planet. My vision is one world, one forecast.”

November marks the 16th anniversary of publishing these Tip-Offs that provide clarity, reassurance and support to so many people around Australia and overseas. “The fact I can have the interaction every week with my audience is important for soul growth and the consciousness on the planet. They can use this information in their lives to their advantage, rather than feeling squashed by it. And it helps people feel a part of everything and that they are not alone which is important at this time on our planet,” said Elizabeth.

It’s easy to see why ‘Hay House’ asked to publish her book (Cosmic Messengers) which was released last year. And her book launch has invited more travel over the last year, which has allowed her to be in London for the ‘I Can Do It’ event and ‘Mind Body Spirit’ festival as well as the ‘Conscious Life Expo’ in LA, USA.

So what are Elizabeth’s energetic predictions for the rest of this year? She said, “There is a period of unrest this year and we’re wrapping up heavy old Earthly energy and patterns that we’ve been dealing with for decades and/or centuries. We’re experiencing accelerated, almost ‘unprecedented’ personal growth ready for the lightness and optimism of the Age of Aquarius in 2020. 2019 is a year where soul will be leading you.”
An inspiring conversation, with an inspired being!



Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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