An Empath’s Festive Season by Vanessa Finnigan

Photo Amy Higg Photography

Our experience of Christmas can be tainted by the hustle and bustle and expectations of the season. And some would say it’s far from jolly when sections of our community are alone, broke and depressed. And yet, there is a window of opportunity for the true spirit of the season to be a time of renewal and connection if we are a little creative. Empathic leader Rebecca-Lee has much to share on the topic of connection and spiritual awakening – especially this year. She explains that we can all have a deeper spiritual connection, not just at this time of the year, but all year round.

Rebecca is a challenger of many spiritual myths and says you don’t have to be religious or go to church to have a connection with Spirit or God. These realisations, and more, have come from her own discovery, as these were not areas she could explore as a child due to her parents being atheists. Looking back, she acknowledges she was clairvoyant and intuitive all her life, but it took time to have the courage to share these gifts and insights fully with the world.

In early adulthood, Rebecca pursued a safe, ‘normal’ career path, working for local government in the areas of office and administration. While a part of her desired to climb the corporate ladder, a bigger part remained unfulfilled in this field, as she had a fascination with all things magical and mystical. “I would always find the engineers at work who wanted to chat about astrology in the lunchroom… I’ve always been a bit different,” she shared.

Being subjected to sexual harassment in the workplace was a catalyst for change for Rebecca, to know she needed to move towards her spiritual calling. She attempted to leave the industry but fear kicked in and she moved on to a different government job. Around this time, she also became a mum, but once she returned to work, she had to revisit her traumatic experiences when the department she was working for merged with her previous department, where the harassment had occurred. She said Spirit kept saying to her, “It’s time to leave this job and it’s time to get on your path!”

For the last 10 years, that’s exactly what she’s done, sharing her messages from Spirit, expressing her intuitive gifts and being a spiritual pioneer.

Rebecca-Lee is a breath of fresh air in the world of spirituality and far from a devotee of the ‘new-age light brigade’ – at times she even shares her impassioned, outspoken views on social media. She’s a true empath, passionately sharing from the heart. But that wasn’t always the case; there was a time when she couldn’t express her truths and felt quite isolated.

Over time, she has learned to turn her intuitive gifts into her greatest assets, rather than having those gifts work against her. So it’s easy to see why she assists others to open up and unlock blocks to self-love and intimacy in relationships. “We put blocks up to protect ourselves. People I work with are empaths and are big-hearted and put blocks up because they are receiving so much sensory information all the time, but when we shut off our heart, that creates issues as well.”

Rebecca has devoted her life to healing her own love blocks, benefitting her 18-year relationship with partner Cameron, and their two gorgeous children. She laughs and says family wasn’t exactly ‘on the cards’, in fact she says she was planning to stay a career girl. However, having children was the wake-up call she and Cameron needed to become more aware and overcome personal and family karmic patterns together. Delving into ancestral healing has also created more peace in her family life, and many people she assists have also benefitted greatly from connecting spiritually with their ancestors.

So how does an empath celebrate the festive season? Well, for Rebecca, it is about simplicity and connection. “It’s time to rest and reflect and celebrate our connection as a family and all that we feel grateful for. We all LOVE the feeling of summer, and exploring the great outdoors – going out on the boat in Noosa, spending time in the garden, tending to the land and our chickens, camping when we can get away, and generally hanging out having BBQs and playing board games.”

Every holiday season, Rebecca and her family spend time in a circle together and take turns with the ‘talking stick’ as each member shares the stand-outs for the year. “It’s great to reflect in front of each other about what has truly been big for us during the year – the good and the bad,” she shared.

This is also a time when Rebecca utilises her gifts to intuit the year ahead. 2020 has been about shifting and ‘shaking the tribe’ and relationships. Many people are realising and discovering who is part of their tribe, and also letting go of some of the others around them. She feels this will continue in 2021. “2020 has had so many unexpected twists and turns of fate, and it has been a bit of a washing machine as we are hurtled forward into a new age. The timeline that we will take, I don’t believe, is fully determined yet, though, it is my understanding for the last decade that at the time of the great awakening when the new world ushers in, there will be two different timelines lived here on Earth. Some may refer to this as different dimensions. What this basically means is that some people will be living life one way, and others will be living it another. We get to choose. And those choices are being made by you right now.

“In 2021, we can put our feet on the ground and take a step on that timeline, but the transition will take the next decade. Many people will be creating a new version of themselves; a new path, new relationships, new tribes, new businesses and business directions.

“There will still be unexpected twists and turns for us personally and collectively, but things will not be so unknown as they have been in 2020. It was always going to be a time when many of the truths of the illusion we have been living will be revealed. Some will accept them; some will not.

“With so much confusion around what is and isn’t the truth, I feel there will be a little bit more of an understanding in 2021; however, there will still be unknowns.

“The best thing we can do is focus on the new versions of ourselves and who we want to be and what kind of life we want to move forward with – fear or freedom – and plant those seeds for ourselves with the next chapter.”
With divine timing, Rebecca is now fully launching High Vibration City, an alternative online social and learning hub, without the censorship.

High Vibration City is the manifestation of a vision she received around 10 years ago from Spirit, and at the time she needed to be able to connect with like-minded people as part of the next level of awakening. She was receiving extensive downloads about the future and her role in it, and was encouraged to create this platform and set about on this journey to assist other amazing, sensitive, intuitive beings.

“We can never always know the full plan that Spirit has, but I trust that the challenges and obstacles along the way, even during 2020, are all for our evolution.”

Rebecca’s Festive Tips:

Many empaths can be exhausted and overwhelmed on Christmas Day. Not only are they feeling all the unexpressed feelings within the family, but they also perceive the collective energies. Many drink excessive alcohol to not feel so overwhelmed. But this can make matters worse later on in the night! So take it easy on the booze, and drink lots of water in between so you can remain mostly in control.

“The empaths I would really like to reach are those who are on the healing path and have already stepped away from toxic relationships, friendships and/or family members and who have been through a period of isolation. They are healing and in transition, and often haven’t found their soul tribe.”

This can be a confusing time, feeling torn between wishing to ‘go back’ to the old life but realising the only way is to move forward. So:

• Know that this time will pass and will be worth every moment of alone time, healing and holding strong with what is and is not acceptable in your life now.

• Do something really special for yourself that honours something you have always wanted to do, for you.

• Consider volunteering to assist and support people who are in need.

• Consider saying yes to different people or groups who have reached out to you but you have been too scared to say yes.


Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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