Balancing Acts: The Relationship Between Giving, Blood Sugar, and Well-Being by Reena Terreping

Do you want your life to be more sweet? Is it not sweet enough?

A normal human need is to give. To give what?

A brave person knows what to give- and that’s love, the most valuable gift.

A scared person rushes to make good for others, then they are well respected and loved.

Are they giving back to themselves?

From my investigations, I have found a blood sugar reading shows a soul’s bravery to do good for themselves first. What does that mean?

The metabolism of a blood sugar reading expresses the process of changing a bad to a good in life. It shows the cause and effect and the energy exchange. In everyday life we are used to; ‘I will make other’s life good, and others have to make my life good’.

Not a cell in our body can live without food, including glucose. At the level of thought it means that, in a balanced person, their blood sugar is in balance and they’re living a normal life.

We can see that stresses (and in some cases illnesses) are necessary parts of our path, and if we take care of our soul and correct our thinking, we are balancing positive & negative within, and we do not tend to suffer.

The more balanced the person, the less they have eating issues and the more stable their blood sugar.

The emotion of fear is balanced out with sweets. With growing fear, a person wants more sweets. The sense of fear will be masked, with eating sweets, it numbs the emotion. Instead of saying ‘I have fear’ a person says, ‘I want something sweet’.

The metabolism of sugar is regulated by the pancreas, that is located horizontally on the left hand side of the body, above the waistline.

Diabetics adore their parents or the memory of them. They can’t see their parents’ mistakes and think that the reason for their hard life is because others are not doing good deeds to them in return. The parents’ understanding has become the child’s understanding and it’s logical that who did bad has to do good now. That is how one develops the understanding that ‘others have to make my life good’, and it expands to every area of their life.

So, who wants to make a great life for themselves without expecting anyone else to do that back to them in return could mean their pancreas is in great condition.

Who’s wanting their life made good? For them, their pancreas may get sick.

When a child has parents who are doing good to others without a question in their mind if it’s necessary to put others above themselves, and sacrifice their child for the that reason, their child may have a risk of getting diabetes. The child who protests in whatever way against their parents’ overly willingness for doing good for others, may save themselves and may not get sick.

We can make ideal plans with our rational minds, not being able to see that too much good is an imbalance that leads to destruction. (Viilma, L. 1997, A Teaching of Survival: Part 3, pp. 66-77).

To be continued.

Connect with Reena for her next gluten-free, sugar-free baking classes and personal sessions at:

Reena Terreping

Reena Terreping is an Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner, and offers frequency sessions using the Healy device. She loves making healthy cakes and treats, and creates recipes and provides cooking classes. Reena loves to write about: food, eating, emotional problems, body conditions and life generally.

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