Becoming the Peace you Seek by Trish Rock

Often when clients come to me, they are frantic about something, or someone, in their life that is not exactly working out the way they expected. There is a big hill to climb for the peace in the situation. They want answers that will bring it to them.

Not everyone is willing to go there but for those that do, it is often far simpler than they first thought. And the biggest belief most people have when they start this journey is that things will be different when things change.

This of course is where I was for decades and there was absolutely no peace at all in that.

One thing you cannot change in life is other people or external situations to make you feel better.

This is why when The PEACE Process was given to me that night by my guides I was so excited about the idea of starting with the end first, that I began that very morning with my first go through of the 5 steps!

You see I had been trying to change everything first so that I could then experience the reality I wanted. But it doesn’t work.  I knew I couldn’t change other people as I had learned that many years ago but changing the external in my life was a big focal point for a long time, that kept me in Groundhog Day.

Going to the parallel reality, in Step 1 of The PEACE Process, where I already was that persona that could create the reality I desired, actually did more than just allow me to believe it was possible for me to live my dreams and desires. It brought me a lot of peace for the present.

And this is what I love to teach because if you can be the peace you seek, now, here, then it will all line up for you with so much ease you will wonder how you put up with the opposite.

Here are 3 ways to become more of the peace you seek right now:

  1. When you find yourself in a situation that is creating a sense of chaos within you, rather than seeking the other elements of the situation – people and circumstance- to change and getting frustrated when they don’t, take a moment and ask yourself- what could I do right now to feel more peaceful within myself?
  2. Write down, or think about, a situation in life from the past that really had you in anxiety or worry but actually turned out well in the end. We all have at least one of these! Now, take the current situation you may be worried about and feeling stressed around and imagine the outcome of peace around it. You know it’s possible. Its happened before in your life right?
  3. If you could experience the peace you seek right now in your life- what exactly is that? What does it look like? How does it feel? What does that mean for you? Visioning and feeling in to what you actually desire will ring you peace faster than fighting off what is not feeling good.

It’s all a matter of perspective this life isn’t it?

You have the choice to feel good or not. To feel peaceful or not. To live greater possibilities or not. And the choice to already see yourself as you desire, right now, no matter what is going on around you.

If you would like some new perspectives this is what I love to do most in life! Please reach out and let see where you are at, and how we can turn that around into more peace and joy.


Trish xo

Trish Rock

Trish Rock is a Peace Coach, Best Selling Author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic who helps people to improve their lives through breaking down the barriers to true freedom and holistic wellness. Her clients call her the Queen of Calm because of the peace and clarity she brings into their life.

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