We love adding lemon to our herbal teas and drinks. It’s such a diverse food and the flavour packs a punch with many drinks and meals. 

When I was younger my mum gave me a really old Mediterranean cook book full of recipes and delicious old preserving recipes. I’ve used this many times and adapted many of the recipes to herbal remedies and also for daily cooking. 

There is one recipe I just can’t alter, nor fault in any way. 

Yes the ancient Salted Lemon. 

Simply cut lemons in wedges and place them in a jar and pack salt between the wedges (yes it’s that simple). Leave it for one month, or even one year, maybe three years or longer. And it gets better with time. 

Use it in your herbal teas, add it to meals and discover the magic of preserved salted lemon. 

Here’s more info on salted lemon for your interest. 

  • Salted lemons, also known as preserved lemons, are a staple in Moroccan and Indian cuisine.
  • The process of preserving lemons with salt dates back to the 11th century in Arab Mediterranean cuisine.
  • The fermentation process softens the lemon peel and rind, removing bitterness from the peel and giving the lemons a wider variety of culinary purposes.
  • Lemons are a good source of vitamin C, fibre, and various beneficial plant compounds. They help alkalise the body, remove mucous and clean the liver. 
  • The preserved lemon helps balance good microbiome and is a good gut food. It also helps eliminate unwanted flora  plus parasites from digestive  tract. 
  • Lemons help keep your digestion moving and help eliminate constipation. 
  • Lemons contain citric acid which may help prevent kidney stones by increasing urine volume and increasing urine pH, creating a less favorable environment for kidney stone formation.
  • The fermentation process infuses the lemons with probiotics that are good for the gut and aid in digestion. It also contains the “good” bacteria that will help control the “bad” bacteria in your body.
  • Preserving lemons means you can use them all year around and make the most of the abundance in the garden now! 
  • The salt is full of minerals and it really balances well with lemon for flavour added to your herbal drinks. 

Have a great week. Love Dom xoxo

Dom Liv Kimal

Dominique Livkamal is a well-known herbalist, naturopath, author and creator of ‘Medicine Room’, offering free community naturopathic clinics, handmade herbal medicines and beautiful body product collections.

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