Being Inspired by My P.E.T Team by Davina Herbert

I invite you to imagine a world where there is unity between humans and nature (the Earth and plants and animals).  Imagine a world where animals are viewed as sentient beings, who can contribute greatly to your life and living, if you but asked. 

Does this resonate with you at all?  If so, you could create this world for yourself right now.  All change starts with one person – you.  Take a minute to dream about what you would like to see in the world and what you would like to create.  Now let me share how I’m doing this with the Pet Energy Therapy (P.E.T.) Team. 

Meet the Team:-

  1. Chief Ideas Officer (C.I.O) – Dolly Ni Bhrien.  The beautiful Ms Dolly has been the inspiration for many of my great ideas in the past.  Well according to her, it’s 100 % of my great ideas.  Dolly came into my life about fifteen years ago.  She is no longer in her beautiful horse body, but her spirit is still very much part of the business and as the inspiration for why we do what we do.
  2. Bodyguard and Office Supervisor – De Bruscki Ni Bhrien.  De Brucski joined the family about eight years ago.  He immediately appointed himself my bodyguard.  According to him, he has no idea how Mummy is able to function at all without his support and guidance.  There is a lot of truth in that statement.  He is a wonderful support to me, sharing his laughter and love of life. 
  3. Office Supervisor and Healer – Layla Lou Herbert.  The gorgeous Ms Lou joined the family at the same time as Mr De Brucski.  Looking after Mummy is such a big job that it is a two puppy job.  Ms Lou particularly takes care of Mummy’s ballet and yoga practice.  She attends most practices as they are in the office.  That means that if Mummy wants the yoga mat, she needs to be fast.  All is fair in love and first to the yoga mat.  Lou is gifted with a healing heart.  She gravitates to those who need healing and supports them with her presence.
  4. Human – Animal Communication Facilitator – Davina Herbert.  I get the fun job of talking to the humans and assisting them to access the wisdom of their animal friends.

I have been surrounded by animals all of my life.  They contribute to my life in ways that are amazing and beyond what you can imagine. They are a valuable part of my office team and I don’t know what I would do without them. 

Exciting news!!!! Davina has a book coming out early next year that was inspired by teachings from Ms Doll and other animal friends.  In “Dancing with Doll – Animal Wisdom” she shares more about her vision of how we can live in a world of union and love and harmony.   Davina invites you to join the “Dancing with Doll – Accessing Animal Wisdom” pre-launch group on Facebook: It’s free to join and you can start to share in the fun and the wisdom.  😊  

Davina Herbert

Davina is the pioneer of Pet Energy Therapy and she uses her communication skills and an holistic approach to help restore balance for all your family- including the animal family members.

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