It’s December already, wow! How did that happen? The energy of December is grounded, peaceful and loving, with a couple of energy peaks thrown in to remind us we are still alive!
With Mars retrograde making a harmonious aspect to Saturn at the beginning of December, the final month of 2022 brings us a chance to take stock of our lives and think about where we want to direct our energy in 2023. Where we want to invest, commit and move things forward from mid-January.
Neptune goes direct at this time too, so there will be a need to express unconditional love, to tell those we love how special they are to us, how much we appreciate them and how much of an impact they have had on our lives. The potential to experience great love or meet someone that expands our heart, is powerful in the first few weeks of December.
On the 7th we get a glimpse into Capricorn season when Mercury moves into this earthy sign, closely followed by Venus on the 10th. Capricorn energy is all about doing the work to achieve a goal, through commitment, discipline and integrity. It’s about the long game and doing things the right way. With Mercury and Venus in Capricorn we can expect to step up and take responsibility for the results we are experiencing in our lives. We may also feel ready to take our romantic and/or financial lives to the next level of commitment.
The Gemini Full Moon on the 8th, conjunct Mars, helps us to analyse our feelings and learn that our emotions play an important role in teaching us how to effectively navigate our lives. What we want and what we don’t want. Emotions are the bridge between our mind and soul, and though they can be complex, they are the most wonderful aspect of our human experience. Allowing them to flow through us without over-analysing is the key to working with this full Moon. Capricorn teaches us that feelings are useful to progress our human and spiritual growth.
The solstice on the 21st/22nd, when the Sun moves in Capricorn, officially starts Capricorn season. At the soul level, Capricorn represents the journey of commitment to our spiritual path. It’s an ideal time to reflect on where we are at in our lives and what steps we plan to take into the New Year to progress our soul’s evolution.
On the 23rd, the New Moon in Capricorn amplifies the feeling to want to make improvements and elevate our lives in practical ways. This is why so many people make resolutions to go on diets and commence exercise regimes at this time! It’s important to understand that we all have our own path to walk so any actions we take must align with what we know is right for us and what is sustainable in the long term, that’s the gift of Capricorn.
On the same day Jupiter moves back into Aries where it will remain until mid-May, giving us a nice burst of positive energy to explore new horizons as we welcome in 2023.
Now let’s look at how the energies of December relate to each sign. Read your Sun, Moon and Rising for a full picture of your month ahead. This is a general reading. If you would like a personal astrology reading, book your 2023 Personal Soul Scope here:
This is a month of review and evaluation about where you will invest your time, energy and resources going forward, so you are very much in tune with the general cosmic energies this month. This is a time to assess if the things you have invested in are yielding the results you want to see. If not, December offers you the gift of time to formulate a plan for any adjustments you want to make. We are not talking wholesale changes here, just incremental tweaks to refine what you are already doing. Concrete, practical plans and action steps are needed now to regain momentum. You know what to do, you’ve already built the foundation. Trust yourself to know the right timing to move forward again with something you know is a worthwhile investment in your future happiness.
December heralds a whole new cycle for you where your life is being upgraded to a new level. This could be a new job, relationship, health, finances. The universe is rewarding your commitment to self-development and your faith in the Divine Plan for your life. You are closing out old cycles now due to all the spiritual work you’ve been doing, so leave hurt, regret, guilt, shame and pain behind as you move forward under new energy. You can expect job promotions, enhanced health, deepening relationships and upgrades to your home and finances during this period. You may also be called into a new level of spiritual service where you share your wisdom with others to help them along their path. When the student is ready, the teacher appears!
There’s a feeling of deep contentment surrounding you this month. It’s the feeling we have when we are in a really good place in our lives where things are going smoothly, relationships are nourishing and the universe is delivering magic in unexpected ways. But this is not by chance. It is all due to the spiritual, emotional and mental work you have poured into yourself. Now, your outer world is reflecting this so you can be assured that it is a stable energy, not just a fleeting moment until the other shoe drops, so enjoy it! There is so much to be grateful for, even lessons learned the hard way. Give yourself permission to feel content and happy knowing that whatever is showing up in your life is a reflection of the inner world you have nurtured. You are mastering the art of manifestation.
As the Sun enters your opposite sign of Capricorn later this month, it is time to deal with an energy within you that is a drain on your emotions, causes anxiety and steals your joy. This month you are supported in releasing an unhealthy attitude, habit or obsessive thoughts. Work is needed on a soul, emotional or mental level to release it from your energy field. Those coping mechanisms you used to deal with past trauma are no long serving you. You think you need them, but you really don’t, that’s how fear-based energy works. It’s where our ego takes over our heart and keeps us small. There is a higher way now. You may need the help of a professional practitioner to really heal this once and for all. Letting go can be challenging as it processes through your body, so take plenty of time to rest and look after yourself as you heal. It’s not easy to face the darkness sometimes, but on the other side is the liberation you have been seeking. You may be surprised at how the simplest of solutions can make a huge difference to your state of mind and enhance your reality.
The universe is providing you with a flash of insight about changes you know you need to make to evolve on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level. This is one of those times where the universe gives you a much needed nudge along your destined path. Even though it may be unexpected, there is nothing to fear as you are being divinely supported to make these changes in order to rebuild something the right way, with stronger foundations. This is the universe’s way of saying you need to step out of your comfort zone and become who you’re truly meant to be. This message is advance notice of what might be coming so you can begin to make those changes you have been putting off for some time. Deep down, you know exactly what this relates to.
December is all about balance for you, Virgo. Fairness, justice and reciprocity are key themes as you learn to embrace the energy of receiving. It’s all about the equal exchange of energy in relationships this month. Manage your energy with discernment this month, especially with those who have a record of constantly drawing on your time, energy and other resources without respect or appreciation. It may be time to enforce healthy boundaries with them. There is joy in giving, no doubt about it, but when there is no return of that love, it can breed resentment. If you are in this situation, draw back your energy and direct it into yourself. When we show ourselves the respect and love we deserve, the energy scales automatically come into balance without us even trying.
This month the cosmos is nudging you to become familiar with self-praise. There are things you have achieved that you should be rightly proud of. Reward yourself and celebrate your success. Acknowledgement and recognition from others are coming this month too. A sense of victory is in the air as you achieved something you thought you wouldn’t after a period of feeling as though you were struggling through a difficult situation. This is all about swimming in the energy of deservingness. You are more capable than you realise and now you have reached this milestone you can continue to the next one with confidence. When you value and celebrate your contribution and the milestones along the way, you attract even more victorious experiences into your life. Keep going, you’re aligning with your highest timeline!
You may experience mental restlessness this month by trying to resolve a situation in your mind. Anxiety and over-thinking are signs that we are trying to control something with our mind that is actually out of our control. You must do all you can in a situation then surrender to the universe to figure out the details of when and how it will be resolved. When the universe takes the reins, it guarantees the outcome will be better than you thought. Once you see the situation from a higher perspective you will feel calmer in the knowledge that the universe is always working for you, never against. Do everything you can to calm your mind and surrender to the divine plan. In spiritual truth, it’s already resolved for your highest good.
You will need to make a decision this month but you may feel confused about what choice to make. The course of action you must take is the one that feels right for you, not what society or other people believe is acceptable or what you think you should do. Trust your emotional compass to guide you this month, it is pointing you in the direction of what’s best for you. Allow yourself to imagine the best possible outcome for this situation and make your decision from this place. This may feel uncomfortable if you find it difficult to be vulnerable, but you will never regret decisions made from the deepest place within your heart. In our soul we know the right choice, we just need to be brave enough to make it. The good news is you can always make another choice at any time, that’s the magic of free will.
Taking a sure and steady approach to life is your best strategy this month. A deliberate, measured pace and due diligence is required this month in all things, but mostly it’s about doing things in your own time in the right way. This is about the long game, taking things one step at a time in an orderly manner, honouring your energy along the way. This is not the time to rush into things impulsively. If you feel pressure to decide or act, your best bet is to take a step back and think things through before deciding a course of action. This month you are the epitome of your sign, with deep knowing that the greatest accomplishments always occur in divine order and timing. Give situations and relationships enough space to grow and bloom on their own, you are only responsible for yourself. When you trust in divine timing you create a void which the universe will fill with delightful outcomes.
In December you have the ability to think on your feet, make confident decisions and take decisive action toward fulfilling a plan. Don’t be pressured into an impulsive decision, gather as much information as you can in the time you have and use your rational brain to make your choice. Logic and dispassionate objectivity prevail over emotional responses this month. Look after your mental health this month by speaking your truth and saying kind words to yourself and others. You may need to cut cords to release someone energetically from your life, it will be difficult but necessary to bring peace. Someone intelligent with a witty sense of humour may communicate an important message this month.
December is a time of transformation and re-birth for you, Pisces. This is occurring on an emotional and psychological level through a deeply healing experience. Something you’ve been holding on to for a while will be released, allowing you to transmute pain into strength. It may even be something you thought you had dealt with, now another layer is coming up for healing. It could very likely be a pattern or belief that has come through your ancestral lineage. This is an invitation to go deeper into the metaphysical aspect of this energy. It’s time to break through fear by facing it head on, knowing you will not only be ok, but stronger emotionally with a new-found sense of power.
These Soul Scopes are an intuitive fusion of Tarot, Astrology and Numerology.
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