Bring your audience along for the ride by Julia Van Der Sluys

Whether you are only thinking about the nudges of a book…

Whether you are in the middle of writing it…

Whether you have finished writing it and the fun editing and publishing side starts coming in to play…

NO matter where you are on your authorship journey, I will say this….

Bring your audience along for the wild rollercoaster ride that is the process of having your book in your hot little hands.

I always get asked when the right time to start marketing is. That I will wait for this moment, or when it is close to being ready. Insert all the things here.

But here is what I will tell you.

It is never too early to start marketing your idea!

Even if it is merely an idea…

You WANT to start as early as possible because here is what happens when you bring your audience along for the ride…

You make them invested in your book, before it is even a book.

You make them want to hit the buy button as soon as it is raring to go.

So how do you bring them along for the ride?

You start mentioning it every chance you get.

You start asking them questions – does this sound like something you would want to read? This or that, whoa help me choose a cover etc. Make them involved, because when they feel like they have had a hand in your decisions, your processes and getting to see you through your journey – they are going to want to buy.

Behind the scenes – show where you are getting your inspo from. Show where you are writing from. The research, the meditating etc. The list is endless to what you can show them.

Show some aha’s from you writing, or a brain explosion moment of this has hit me in the feels, or more learning, insert whatever works here. Show them how it is making you feel, because they will get excited about what kind of transformation they will have!

Quotes, little one liners, reading out a wowsers sentence. Same as above, get them feeling all the feels with the little hint and nuggets you are dropping and they will be hitting that buy now in no time.

You can now see how powerful bringing along your audience is to the success of you as an author so what are you going to implement after reading this??

If you loved these little tips, we have two amazing priced guides that help you market yourself and your products as intuitively as you are you can find them here.

Magnetise your Books with Ease | White Light (

Trucking Magnetise YOU, Content Ideas for Authors | White Light (

Julia Van Der Sluys

Julia is the inspiring woman behind, intuitive self-publishing company, White Light Publishing. Let Julia and her team assist you with making your book writing and card deck dream a reality.

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