Closing The Year Out (and a Gift) by Trish Rock

2023 has been an interesting year for me personally and for so many of my clients and people around me.

A 7 year, it has been a time of review, declutter and truly deciding what it is we want to take forward with us and what to leave behind. What is in alignment and what is not.

In some instances, the decision has been easy, but there have also been the decisions and changes that the Universe has made. While this can feel like it’s out of our control, it is simply the lining up of what we are calling into our lives, and some things must end for this to happen!

One of the biggest challenges for me this lifetime, so far, has been stepping out of my old beliefs about money that have kept me in struggle, lack and despair.

I grew up with the belief that I had to work hard to avoid rejection. I also believed I wasn’t valuable enough to have the freedom of financial prosperity and had to keep working hard to survive. This belief about my value flowed into my relationships too, attracting people who did not value me, because I was not valuing myself.

This survival mode and belief is something that so many of us have! My survival and rejection beliefs had to be proven.

And YOUR stories and beliefs are constantly being proven too! Whether you know it or not and whether they are something you want, or not! I love discovering this with clients when we are working together. It always brings a sigh of relief and a sense of peace for them that there is a reason why they keep attracting the same again and again into their life!

How about you? Are you constantly attracting the same struggles, bad relationships, or health issues? And has 2023 brought many of them to the surface to be seen and felt? Was there a theme that stood out for you?

For me, I was able to increase the level of value I held about myself and in turn, this has also shifted my prosperity mindset! No longer in survival mode or fearing rejection, my new reality reflects wonderful people around me that see and reflect my value, opportunities flowing in for my life and business and for the first time in decades (I am so proud of myself!) I have savings!

As we enter 2024, an 8 year, I want you to also feel like your life is ease, flow, and abundance. Perhaps its time to kick those last little fears and blocks to the curb and truly live the life you know is possible for you.

In my book and 5-step system – The PEACE Process – I teach you how to tune in to other realities where you are already living what you desire. This not only gives you the insights and tools to create it here, now, BUT it also means you can finally believe it can be true for you. It would be a great gift for yourself or a loved one. And if you are in Australia and order through my website I will personally sign and message your book.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Holistic Bliss Magazine for the amazing platform, support and care, and the incredible community here. As a heartfelt thanks from me to the community I am offering a gift of 20% off when you book a session with me in December.

Blessings to you all and may this year finish on a high note for you, filled with loving and peaceful energy within and without.

Trish xo

Ps To claim your gift, book a session here and let me know you are a part of the HBM Community <3

Trish Rock

Trish Rock is a Peace Coach, Best Selling Author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic who helps people to improve their lives through breaking down the barriers to true freedom and holistic wellness. Her clients call her the Queen of Calm because of the peace and clarity she brings into their life.

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