Cosmic Currency-Part 2: Managing Your Money by Abbey Rose

Cosmic Currency is powerful. Once you have tapped into the skill of creating wealth through Cosmic Currency, you then need to learn how to manage that money. Money loves stability, it likes to know that it’s safe in your space and you’re going to love it and utilise it in a way that will bring more love into your reality.

So, how do you manage your money?

Well, how do you manage your energy? How do you manage your relationships? How do you manage your love? It all comes down to balance and harmony with self.

It’s about stepping into the knowledge that we’re always going to ebb and flow. There will never be a season in your life where we’re not going to have our ups and downs, and these cycles will repeat constantly. Even if they may look different each time.

Cosmic Currency is extremely powerful, and in order to manage it successfully, we need to make sure we’re not falling into a lack mentality whenever we’re experiencing an ebb.

It’s important to understand, in order to manage your money and manage your energy, that you are the all-powerful creator of everything coming into your life, so of course there’s going to be highs and lows and ups and downs. But tapping into that cosmic management means you’re not disheartened because you understand that it’s just a phase and you are always supported.

This type of management can be difficult for some people to step into because we have been conditioned to believe that if we can’t tangibly see or feel something, it’s not there.

This is another untruth we need to expel from our mentality because it’s one of the most harmful, and is one of the main reasons our wealth is being blocked. Money, wealth and abundance is always available to us, we are always divinely supported, and miracles happen so much in our lives we’ve actually stopped seeing them as miracles.

The management of our Cosmic Currency depends solely in the faith we have in ourselves, so the more love you express and the more wealth you bring into your tangible reality, the more you need to step into your power and own your ability as a co-creator with the universe and manage your life and mindset accordingly.

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Abbey Rose

Abbey Rose, The Spiritual Accountant, is here to help you create, manage and protect your wealth. With over 15 years in the finance sector, Abbey brings cutting edge business and financial wisdom that mixes the worlds of strategy and intuition helping you create financial sovereignty.

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