Courageous Parenting – with more ease by Donnamarie Willett-Flockhart

Hi there beautiful HBM readers!

We are hitting full stride in month two of this year and the sense of critical change in our new norm, remains strong.  We are on the precipice of such huge shifts for humanity and we do not quite know exactly what they will be or how they may impact us and our children.

Are you feeling it too?   

Are you in the love vibration or the fear vibration? 

Fear of the unknown?

The wonderful thing is that we have the power to choose.  The power to choose how we ride these waves of change and how we guide our family.  

How would you do that, you ask?   What are some options?  Some resources? 

All great questions!

Let’s start with –

1.  Role modelling by being courageous, adventurous, and resilient.  That will provide a family dynamic that is courageous, adventurous, and resilient too, and shift the energy from fear to fun.  

It takes courage from you to be that parent who is all of this.

That parent who says YES!  That parent who says, “We’ve got this!”

And that parent who, in the midst of all that is happening, chooses to listen to his or her child and to guide with love, gently, and absolutely respectfully, honouring the child’s emotional space.   Not needing to be right all the time and allowing the child to grow as the gift that each child is.   

2.   And then we add, leading with supportive and inclusive language and making choices that model that there is nothing to fear.

3.  Leading with unconditional love and making choices that show that there are lots of interesting and unknown experiences to navigate – together.

We, the family unit, are on a big adventure – together.  

For your children, the new children who have not experienced any other way of living, this is their lifestyle.  They have not known any other way.  For your children who are older, how you respond, react, and be in these times is what will guide them.  It will also guide how the shifts and changes impact their mental health and their relationships, including with themselves, amongst other aspects of their daily experiences.

4.   The interconnectedness of family, combined with unconditional love, is a powerful combination of two resources that will keep you sailing safely on the waves of change with more ease.

You will be living and parenting with more ease.

More love. More connection.  More fun.  

5.  The key resource that I recommend for my families is The Goulding Process.    It is known via research as ‘The Proven Parent Solution – the 2-minute gift with changes that last a lifetime.’ 

The Goulding Process is the gentlest gift to every child and family.   It can be used from preconception throughout childhood where that works for your family.

The connection between the incoming soul (as he or she chooses their mother) will benefit from practising the process from when the mother decides that she wishes to conceive.  The mother-child bond will assist in creating the lifetime gift and awareness for the child that he or she is unconditionally loved.  

And believe it or not, research proves that the simple act of saying “I love you” does not create unconditional love.   Unconditional love is a cellular energetic gift and how much would our lives have been less dramatic, less stressful, less challenging had our parents used this with us and our siblings!   Had they known of it.

That awareness of unconditional love from the mother, as well as the father and any siblings, will be the firewall of resilience for your child’s lifetime.  It will assist in the development of positive self-confidence and empower the child to manage, improve and balance their behaviour, relationships, fears, anxiety, and many other of life’s experiences.

We are emotional beings and energy beings, and we are going to experience many emotions in our lifetimes.   What practising and activating The Goulding Process does for your child, is to maximise the emotional experiences on the love end of the emotion spectrum and minimise the experiences on the fear end of the emotion spectrum.

How great is that!

The Goulding Process really is a gamechanger for humanity.   And as we parents use the process and share it with our children and they share it with their children across Planet Earth, we will be shifting the state of humanity.   Supporting our Earth and being the change that we want to see.   In so many ways.

Our children are our greatest gift and our greatest love.   They are our teachers and the leaders of tomorrow … and now too we witness the Rise of the Child Leaders.

I am always speaking about what price do we put on that?    What value is the investment in this process and gift that is so powerful to our children and the future of humanity and our planet.

The Goulding Process is that gift.

As a member of The Goulding Process professional community, I am here to maximise the fun and freedom in your children’s experiences.  My goal and mission is “To collaboratively create social and cultural change to honour children and improve communities”. 

Is parental support and guidance on your must have list for 2021?

You can book sessions with me via email on or via

text on 0400 169 855.

Let’s work in this space together and activate your Art of Parenting Now vibration.


Donnamarie Willett-Flockhart

Donnamarie provides game changing guidance for parenting your children. She facilitates families to bring fun, kindness and happiness back to the family home.

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