Creating Something Different over the Festive Season by Reena Terreping

Christmas coming up can sometimes be a stressful time. What if you invite the change this year instead of stressing?

This morning I had a conversation with a beautiful person. He said he doesn’t see any point to being here (not from a suicidal point of view but philosophical), or putting any effort in anything, as soon it will be over anyway and feels that it’s just a random stop where he has stepped off. He is now waiting to get it over with to get to the real thing; that is something else the next thing…or life.

I can see where he is coming from; I was there not so long ago myself; this question had been with me for all my life before that, and now it’s gone.

So, what did I do? I got committed to getting my Bars run (getting into the space of me) weekly, no matter where I had to go to get a session. It created space in me, where thoughts and feelings with different quality arose. Everything started to roll from there, my own thoughts changed; I started to attract people and circumstances that contributed to my creative desires, as well as to other people’s desires, and these creatives are the things that gave meaning to everything else.

I can see where my friend’s frustration is coming from. He is a highly creative and talented person who has not done anything close to his heart for years as he has been dealing with all the everyday problems, being constantly on a spinning wheel.

No wonder he feels like he’s dying inside. His creative side — the joy that feeds the soul, is not present.

If you have the same question, think of one little thing that is your joy and start doing it, and then perhaps share it. It could be something you wouldn’t have expectations for. Like I could not expect the change that I ultimately created for myself just because I got committed to the body process. There was a knowing that something else was possible for me; perhaps the action itself was secondary. But constantly thinking that something else is possible is a change already, and going into it at least once a week is better than nothing. And giving less air time to the ‘what’s the point?’ question.

Now, do you know that something else is possible for you?

I have mentioned inner being in my writings, and have not said what I mean by that. It is a state where everything that has no relevance for you dissolves; there is no drama or trauma. There it is just you, the little stardust that you were when you came here and still are, and will be after your body dies. It is like dying before death; you realise what matters; everything else just falls away.

It’s always there within you; to access it, you just need to quiet your mind – let go of all the problems, emotions, feelings, other people’s opinions, judgements – by meditating, or getting your Bars run. Getting your Bars run is like a meditation without meditating, without putting any effort in it.

In a Bars session you can be in allowance:

Are you allowing you?

Keep embracing the change, it’s natural; although sometimes uncomfortable, it is innate to you.

What would it be like to be kind to you? What if you would take a day with this question; what would that create?

Make a decision to get committed to get happy and the rest will follow.

Happy you, happy holidays!

With love, Reena

Info and inquiries about Access Bars sessions:

Reena Terreping

Reena Terreping is an Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner, and offers frequency sessions using the Healy device. She loves making healthy cakes and treats, and creates recipes and provides cooking classes. Reena loves to write about: food, eating, emotional problems, body conditions and life generally.

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