Do you want to make changes in your life?
Are you tired of repeating the same detrimental behaviour or living with a limited belief such as:
- I am not good enough
- I will never keep my weight off
- I can’t speak in public
- I am addicted to chocolate, breads, the wrong people etc.
- I can’t give up smoking
- I just can’t do something (whatever that is)
It is possible to de-fragment and re-wire new beneficial beliefs. Now that’s good news!
You see the words that you say to yourself repeatedly become hard-wired into your brain, in other words they become a belief.
As you instilled these beliefs – you too can uninstall them and replace them with far better beliefs.
The truth is that individuals talk themselves into their own beliefs by enforcing a belief through the words that they say to themselves.
Just like a computer, your unconscious mind can be defragmented and rewired to better serve you.
We know that we need an I.T specialist or a purchase programme to de-fragment our computer – but did you know that you can defragment your own mind??
Sounds a bit far-fetched, doesn’t it?
The fact is that you and only you can change your limited beliefs. This really is good news because if you do want to change something about yourself it is possible via hypnosis to communicate with your unconscious mind and to re-wire new beneficial beliefs.
I would invite you to read through some of the testimonials on my website to understand what is possible through re-wiring limiting beliefs and installing new beneficial beliefs.
Like a computer, our unconscious minds will be programmed through repetition which becomes hard-wired into your mind.
Do you have limiting beliefs or habits that are not beneficial for you? Would you like to live without them?
If your answer is YES, I would ask you to consider NOT HAVING the next three cups of coffee/tea/juice – but rather invest the total sum on your mind – by downloading Module 3 in the Personal Power workshop. This module called, “Personal Power Thought Mind Mastery” will help you to understand how the words you say to yourself have such power, and how you can implement changes in your life by understanding that the dialogue that goes on in your head is having an affect on your beliefs and behaviours. Log onto my website, then the link to Personal Power workshop then click on the module titled, “Personal Power thought Mind Mastery”.
If you do have a major physical or mental concern in your life which is compounding your life then please feel free to call me for a complimentary 15minute discussion to consider a mind-set package where we work with your unconscious mind, to find out how, when and why you created limited beliefs, then set about re-programming your unconscious mind this is life changing.
Feel free to call me for a complimentary chat.
Phone: 0418 775849
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