Embrace Your Journey: A Story of Inner Healing and Empowerment by Rachael Greany

In my work, I’ve had the privilege of guiding countless extraordinary individuals on their paths to inner healing and self-discovery. It’s a sacred journey, and I am committed to maintaining the utmost confidentiality for each of my clients. However, with her kind permission, I am honoured to share the inspiring story of Ms. J, a remarkable woman who bravely transformed her life.

Ms. J’s early years were far from easy. Despite having a loving father, she grew up under the shadow of a narcissistic mother who reserved all her attention for Ms. J’s brother. This experience set Ms. J on a lifelong quest for approval, driving her to excel in her career in the hopes of finally receiving the praise she craved. Her professional achievements were astounding—she broke barriers and became a leader in her field. Yet, in her personal life, she found herself repeating the patterns of her past, seeking validation from partners who mirrored her mother’s behaviour.

Through our sessions of Root-Cause Therapy (RCT), Ms. J confronted these deep-seated issues and rediscovered her intrinsic worth. She reconnected with her inner child, offering her the love and support she had long been denied. In one transformative future visualisation, Ms. J saw herself sailing—an activity she adored—accompanied by a profound sense of genuine, unconditional love.

Soon after, life presented her with an opportunity to join a sailing crew. It was here that Ms. J faced another encounter with a narcissist. But this time, she was different. Empowered by her newfound self-love and boundaries, she made the courageous decision to disembark, realising she deserved nothing less than respect and kindness. Ms. J chose herself, walking away with strength and grace.

I am incredibly proud of Ms. J. Her courage to confront her past, her compassion for those who wronged her, and her unwavering commitment to her own healing journey are truly inspiring. It wasn’t an easy path, but she navigated it with resilience and emerged as a beacon of self-love and empowerment.

Congratulations, Ms. J! I am deeply honoured to have been a part of your healing journey.

If you are ready to embark on your own journey of transformation, I invite you to book a session. Together, we can illuminate the path to the life you deserve.

Let your inner light shine!

Take the first step toward your own healing journey connect with Rachael at: www.dragonflyblue.co

Special Holistic Bliss Reader offer!! Book an RCT session for August, and receive your first session at $100 (50% discount) and also a COMPLIMENTARY choice of a future reading or life between life.

And visit Dragonfly Blue on Facebook and dragonflyblueinfo on Instagram

Rachael Greany

Your dreams are precious, and I'm here to walk alongside you, guiding you towards the beautiful life that awaits you, in self-love, self-acceptance and relationships. Your beautiful life starts today uncovering the Root-Cause of what no longer serves you.

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