The Importance of Authenticity to Heal Burnout and Exhaustion by Sally Holden

Burnout, exhaustion and fatigue, often signals a deep disconnection from ourselves, and life itself. Wearing masks and facades and a lifetime of people pleasing can take a huge toll on our physical wellbeing.

In a world that is often fast paced, and adrenaline fuelled, that emphasizes mere survival, we can lose sight of our unique essence, purpose and connection with our soul and sense of self.

True fulfillment, along with life force energy and vitality, comes from creating from our unique soul essence and aligning with our most authentic self and who we really are. (Not from our programming and conditioning from our childhood of who we thought we needed to be, in order to fit in, belong and be accepted.)

When we are living life from a place of just surviving and getting through the day, we may feel numb and robotic, and feel that we can’t live true to our values, due to life’s pressures. This also erodes our energy and sense of self.

Connecting to Yourself

Your relationship with yourself is the foundation of everything in life. It hugely influences how you allow others to treat you, what you attract, and what you believe you deserve.

Understanding this principle changed my life. I stopped trying to control others and situations and started reflecting on what they mirrored about my inner state and beliefs. It was challenging, but acknowledging this truth empowered me to co-create my reality.

Life inherently supports us, yet we often disconnect from this truth when we treat ourselves poorly or feel inadequate or believe that we aren’t enough.

We then perceive ourselves as separate and alone, living from a place of lack, fear and scarcity and feeling that we don’t have enough.

But life is abundant; the air we breathe, the ground we walk on, the water we drink—all are gifts of support. Recognizing this helps us reconnect with the flow of life and a feeling of appreciation and gratitude again, which opens up our heart energy and helps us to be in a more receptive energy, both for vitality and for receiving more of what would support us in life.

Self-Acceptance as the Pathway to Authenticity

Healing burnout requires radical authenticity. Honestly embracing who we are, how we feel, and what we desire. This journey is impossible if we are judging ourselves for what we need, or how we really feel, or at a deeper level if we are critical of who we are.

Authenticity flows from a state of self-acceptance, which can be daunting when we fear rejection or loss of love from others.

My own experience with my partner who saw all of me, even the parts I tried to hide, taught me that true acceptance starts within. His unwavering love and compassion reflected what I had started to heal and accept within myself.

Building a foundation of self-acceptance allows us to express our true selves. It frees us from seeking validation from others and from the exhausting pretence of being someone we’re not. Clear, honest communication rooted in self-awareness fosters genuine connections and aligns us with like-minded individuals, creating mutually supportive relationships.

The more we can embrace our authenticity, the more we will naturally flourish in our energy and health, our relationships and even in the way we attract and create money.

Authenticity aligns us with all that is meant for us, it puts us in the right place at the right time, with the right people. (And right in the context that it will light your heart up, bring you joy and expand your wellbeing and energy.)

Here are some quick tips to support embracing radical authenticity:

  1. Identify Self-Judgments: Reflect on what you most judge about yourself and what you fear others will see.
  2. Release Limiting Beliefs: Use tools like Byron Katie’s work to question and challenge outdated and disempowering beliefs and the judgements you hold about yourself. (
  3. Daily Journaling: Regularly journal your true feelings to stay connected with your most authentic self.

Embrace the journey of reconnecting with your most authentic self. It’s a pathway of also connecting with your divine guidance, intuition, freedom and joy, as well as self-discovery and empowerment, offering the joy of living a life true to your soul’s essence.

For more insights and practical steps, grab your copy of #1 Amazon Best Seller, “Thrive ~ Overcoming Burnout and Reclaiming Your Energy and Passion for Life!” to continue your transformation. (Audible version will be released later this month.)

Love and Blessings,

Sal x

Sally Holden

Sal Holden is a best-selling author, kinesiologist and holistic life coach who empowers women to radically improve their well-being and energy on all levels and gives them the skills and strategies to create their most Joyful Life.

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