From Law to Love by Trish Rock

“Love is a state of being without fear, that operates for the highest good of all in every moment.” -Virginia Robin

In a legal system that is mostly based on fear but portrayed as bringing peace and good order, Virginia Robin embodies a loving based view, creating new ways of resolving conflict, bringing in collaboration not competition, and the outcome of peace between parties.

Sitting face to face with Virginia, I could immediately sense the high vibrational state of love that is her essence, and way of life. This modern shaman, lawyer and yoga teacher graduate is an ambassador of love and here to teach love as a state of being.

“My work within the legal system demonstrated that the energy dominating this plane of existence maintains the illusion of separation. It perpetuates your disintegration and disconnection by reinforcing blame, shame, and judgement of your actions,” she shares.

Virginia’s journey to becoming a lawyer and modern shaman is a curious adventure of divinely orchestrated events into the universal plan that unfolded for her.

When her son was four months old, she began feeling very restless with a yearning to engage her mind into something once again. Before this, Virginia had worked in legal firms as a paralegal and had also worked in the newspaper industry. She had a friend who was working in a local, legal firm who let her know of a reception job that was available. Funnily enough, there was a day-care centre that had just been built next door, and so Virginia said yes! She could still feed her baby during the day, as he was just next door.

The firm had recently been taken over by a city man who desired a sea change and as a result of this management change, many senior staff members consequently left. Virginia was asked by the new boss if she wanted to become a lawyer.  She jumped at the opportunity even though she was full time at motherhood, marriage, and a job at that point, but seven years later she was qualified as a practicing lawyer.

One day, while she was walking down the main street in Mornington, Victoria, in her much-loved leopard print high heels, stepping onto the zebra crossing, she fell, ungraciously landing directly onto her hands and knees. Virginia says jokingly that she was ’tripped up’ by her angels.

Later that week at the chiropractor’s office, she was told that her favourite exercise, Zumba was off the table for her now. Virginia was upset but even more so when she was told to try yoga instead, to which she replied: ‘No! I don’t do yoga! That’d be like watching paint dry!’

At her first ever yoga class, the teacher asked if she had done this before. Virginia had a ‘knowing’ of it, so she then decided to study it more and 12 months later had a Diploma in Yoga.

That was 2012, and that was when Virginia says she started going down the rabbit hole and discovered the modern shaman within.

“It was not until I energetically let go of, or dissolved, all that appeared on the physical plane to be me, the legal practice, the house with water views, the cars, the holidays, did I understand that I am enough. This bought the greatest sense of peace, power, and clarity as to my purpose = a modern shaman.”

From there, she brought the concepts of ‘we are one’ and ‘do no harm’ into the legal arena but found so much opposition to it due to a lack of understanding. It was difficult to reconcile in our current legal system, that sees humans as separate beings (‘you’ versus ‘me’).

Virginia’s alternate way of practicing conflict resolution, supports the discovery of the authentic self, by using existing conflict as a catalyst to do so.

Listening to Virginia explain all that had happened for her, it is evident there is a strong thread that weaves through everything. She says that nothing happens by accident and there is a perfection to life. Our journey is to explore how we are responding to life and problems are an opportunity to embrace love.

She has transformed a life of living and working in the state of fear, where every decision was about preserving her identity and personal safety. Whilst it did not look like fear to the outside world, like most of humanity, it was a construct she held together which appeared to hold all the hallmarks of success.  Yet it was dissatisfying.

As for Virginia’s vocational path forward, having worked within the legal system, it is based now in Radically Alternative Dispute Resolution. She consults privately with corporations and boards to offer bespoke methods of dissolving in-house deadlocks in decision-making or creativity.

“My methods are based in dissolving energetic resistances and are for those that have tried all other methods of dispute resolution without success. I want to teach leaders what love is and how to bring it into the everyday so that more collaboration will be present in our lives and less of the old competition energies.”

Many in the legal profession are not ready to shift, however there are people facing conflict in their lives that are, and this shift will encourage and establish more heart based services that will find solutions through the individual’s journey.

“I believe I became a lawyer to show people that we are each running an internal legal system, which holds us to the expectations of others. In this fear-based system, we will never be free, living by the rules of others. In doing so, conflict arises. These rules we hold on to form our internal legal system, which also comes complete with our own personal judge, jury, and executioner! We have projected our internal legal system onto the collective and this no longer represents us but controls us = this is a form of fetishism. The thing you think you control, controls you,” says Virginia.

She is a momentary human these days, teaching love as a state of being through her metaphysical systems and that resistance or acceptance is all there is when navigating life. She is now stepping into her work as a modern shaman to teach love and share the experiences she has been through. A shaman works with re-integration of the self by guiding you to locate the point of personal disintegration (the point you disconnected energetically from unconditional love). This is a pivotal point in your life where you started believing the rules of others to be your truth. It’s at this pivotal point, however, that you are guided to realise that there was no guilt or shame for your past actions, for you were always following and intimately connected with your natural guidance based in unconditional love.

Virginia believes she was planted in the legal system for a reason and has definitely created more awareness within herself and others around a love-based life.

“To free ourselves, we must look in the mirror – see how the world reflects back to us. If we feel negative about what we see, we have a punitive rule present (an obligation or expectation). Dissolve that rule and you reveal more love, peace, and harmony in your life. In a loving universe there are no rules or limitations. You have free will to experience it all without judgement, for as Shakespeare’s Hamlet observed, “nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so.”

To find out more about Virginia Robin and her private consulting services for businesses and individuals go to or email her directly:

Special Offer by Virginia Robin:  For all new clients Virginia is offering 30 min free consultations. For bookings go here:

Virginia offers you metaphysical solutions to help you self-reflect, locate, and dissolve the blockages you formed in this journey called life.

Virginia is also conducting Meetups for personal self-exploration. See all the details here:


Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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