From Mess to Message by Trish Rock

Imagine waking up one day with the realisation that you have a choice in life, that you never knew you had, and you understand that you don’t have to stay in bad or toxic relationships, environments, or situations.

This is one of the biggest realisations this remarkable woman, Kelly Kingston, founder of happy and well®, had as she began transforming and healing her life from toxic relationships and that day was the wakeup call to knowing her life was meant to be more than what she was allowing or believed.

Growing up dyslexic, being told she was dumb and would amount to nothing, Kelly didn’t finish school and grew up believing this was her destiny. She says, “I never read a book until I was 32 and began taking full responsibility for myself. The first book I was attracted to – ‘The 4 Agreements’ by Don Miguel Ruiz – was so incredible and I loved it so much, I read it twice in two weeks!”

From there, Kelly started to understand that as you speak it, so it is, and she realised the power of words can cast spells ‘spelling’, Kelly soon realised how she was talking to herself and others.

25 years experiencing many rock bottoms through abusive and controlling relationships, debt and providing her children with a safe and nourishing environment has given Kelly the real-life experience of transformation and the wisdom and passion to truly help other women who want to reclaim their lives. She understands now that toxic relationships can happen with partners, parents, friends and even self and can help other women with her message.

“I always have faith in myself and life now, especially in those times when I am having a meltdown. My ride of ‘Mess to Message’ has shown me that as soon as you realise life happens for you and not to you, transformation begins, and you call in your higher self for support. I want women to know they are not alone on this journey.”

Kelly has been in business for 20 years and has always had a passion to share with other women what she, herself, did to transition into a new nurturing and empowered life.

“I work with kick ass gorgeous women who are going through an awakening and discovering the life they never knew they could have!” Kelly understands that self-care, nurturing, and support in those times of life transition are essential. Realising they have been living a life that no longer serves them, her clients say that they feel like they haven’t even lived yet!

The way she serves others now is with the exact process and support that she needed when life was turning around for her 15 years ago. Kelly also realised at one point that the friends she thought were there to support her had disappeared but her determination to cease being a people pleaser and start helping others like her, was strong enough to catapult her to where she is now.

Kelly is the founder of happy and well®, a Healing and Wellness Eco System providing unique wellness strategies to support the holistic wellbeing of women who need to reconnect and live a life they love!

She has created processes and products that nurture and support, while also giving women tools, they can access for themselves, when they need it. As they go through higher realisation and transform the whole of themselves, including the physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, and environmental aspects of their experience, she meets them where they are at. Kelly says some women even experience changing taste buds!

Your journey with happy and well® starts with an E-zine that offers help and support in 4 areas:

  1. Back to breath – The importance and healing of breath
  2. Voice commands our mind, body, and spirit (mantras and words to use for empowerment)
  3. Full responsibility for your actions – the power of taking 100% responsibility in your life.
  4. 7-day vegetarian meal guide – clean eating information along with education about what chemicals may be in your food.

You are then supported with 3 online courses that cover these titles:

  • Making Changes – (DIY) Do It Yourself
  • In Your Life – How to Function Efficiently in your Now
  • The Art of Change – A Secret Formular

Kelly says, “everything I create, you can implement into your life right now. I have created something I needed 15 years ago. We don’t need to be told how to feel or how we are feeling. The processes and products I have created give women the space to decide to feel their feelings and go from there.”

With clients expressing how easy Kelly has made this for them, it’s no wonder they wish they had this when they were younger!

This all leads to “The C.Y.C.L.E” – Change Your Current Life Experience aka, Retreat in a Box- a gift and lifetime tool – that Kelly has created. This hybrid of physical products includes: ‘Naked Skin-Deep your very own Healing Guide’, a Sacred Journal, a range of 13 crystal Mala bead necklaces and matching bracelets, ‘I See You Cards’ A Reflection 42 Card deck pack (21 cards for receiving, 21 cards for releasing), a transformative practice that supports a 42 day change to your current life experience, along with online courses, community and support is the next best thing to an immersive, in-person transformational retreat. There are also many other amazing gifts and bonuses that you receive!

Created with strategic sacred practices, inner transformation and support in mind, Kelly is a big believer in having a ‘Youtine’ rather than a routine and The Cycle brings this into the daily lives of women. Finding the gift in every moment daily, while being supported to be the best version of yourself that you can be.

  • Balancing your Feminine & Masculine – however that may look for you, in any moment.
  • S.E.L.F – Soul, Evolving, Love, Frequency
  • One on One and Communal Support Along Your Sacred Journey Home to Self – just because you can do it alone, doesn’t mean you should.
  • Undefining and Redefining Your S.E.L.F – and all the misunderstandings keeping you looped in your current cycle.

The CYCLE, aka ‘A Retreat in Box’ is also the content for a luxurious 4-day retreat Kelly runs.

Kelly is happily married to a very supportive and loving husband and has four children, two stepchildren and three grandchildren, with the 4th on their way, living a life she used to only dream about. She says her children have been her greatest teachers, and continue to enrich her life with love, expansion, and learning as she also leads them to a full and empowered life.

Having had to lose herself to find herself, Kelly wants other women to know that what they desire is possible for them and she has the support, tools and processes that will help get them there.

Kelly wants you to know this, “You are the last person to say goodnight to yourself when you close your eyes at night. And you are the first person to speak to yourself when you open your eyes in the morning, so be kind to yourself.”

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Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
Holistic Bliss is also available to be downloaded as a free App (downloaded in 52 countries) and you can receive notifications about new articles and cover personalities on your phone.

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