Getting to know yourself by Jacq Koloski

Who am I? What am I about?  This is what I have heard for over 25 years while delivering various personal growth workshops and lately this is the theme that I am hearing a lot of again. Who am I? Who am I as my life changes? What do I do with myself in the moments I have for me? 

A beautiful friend said to me recently, “I have a little time to myself without my daughter and I’m wandering around the house not knowing what to do for myself. So I clean up instead.” Oh how I can relate to this, you might also relate? How many times I’ve wandered around my house when the kids weren’t with me. Asking myself, what do I do for me? 

It takes time to get to know yourself, really know yourself. At every stage of life we have opportunities for transition, doing different and getting to know who we are. When we immerse  ourselves deeply into a role or way of life, when it starts to change we may find it difficult to change with it. This is when we need to give ourselves permission to stop and take time out and look within. Reassess where we are at with our life and what else can be created now. You may not know straight away and that’s ok. Allow yourself the space and time to explore and find out. 

For me it’s been all about being a mum and being there for my kids. They are now young adults and Talia has recently moved out of home and to another state. Daniel is still with me but I have so much more available time for me. This has been a big transition for me and it’s been three weeks and I’ve now gotten to the stage where I’m thinking of what else for me? What can I add to my life for me? What will life look like? What would I like life to look like? 

I’ve allowed myself the space to explore this. I haven’t rushed into it. The more time and space I’ve given myself the more awareness I am receiving about what is possible now. It’s a fascinating stage of discovering Who I am now. 

Is it time for you to look within and discover more of who you are? Who are you when it is just you? What do you enjoy doing? What would you like to add to your life? You may not know the answers to these but asking yourself the questions will allow magic to start to happen and space for it to show up. 

When I sat down to write this moments article I was drawn to the following two excerpts from my book -Jacq’s Musings. I wrote these about four years ago and it is exactly what I need to hear now and a reminder that life is always ebbing and flowing. We transition through life as various stages come to an end and new beginnings take place. It’s natural, it’s part of life and the gift is within, allow it to unfold. Will you give yourself the gift of unfolding and exploring the beauty of who you are and  bringing that out to the world? 

💜Excerpts  from Jacq’s Musings 💜

💜It’s a fresh, chilly morning; heaven. I love this cooler weather. It makes me feel alive. I love my early mornings enjoying a cuppa, listening to the birds, and feeling the energy change as the world wakes up. What an interesting few weeks it’s been, with energy shifts, new awareness about situations, with old beliefs and patterns coming to the surface and letting go. I find I’ve been enjoying retreating as much as I can and one thing I’ve discovered is that I really enjoy time by myself. I haven’t always been good at this. I find I’m craving it and I stumble around a bit as I look within and ask myself, ‘What would I like to choose?’ I haven’t always known what to choose for me. What I do know is that I love time in nature and yoga. There are many changes for me – work, kids becoming more independent (Miss Talia has 85 her Ps now) letting go of outdated versions of me. My awareness of the energy shifts has intensified, my knowledge of events before they happen has increased and in many ways, I have way more time available than I ever have before. What do I do with myself? Who am I? What do I want to add to my life? I’m having fun playing in this space. Often it is uncomfortable and that is OK as I explore living my life my way. It’s a magical space I’m in and I’m embracing and celebrating each moment. Enjoy each moment and celebrate you and your life. What are you grateful for?💜

💜I’m rugged up with a cuppa as I start my morning surrounded by the peace of nature. Gratitude fills my being about the life I have created. I reflect on how different life has been at various stages over the years and how vastly different it is now. It’s a transition period for me and each day gets easier as I allow myself to let go of what was. Life has its ebbs and flows and changes. It has certainly been easier since I have allowed what shows up to proceed and have moved through it with ease. I love my life and as I navigate these new changes, my heart opens to more possibilities. For me, it’s about creating a simple, easy, joyful life filled with what I love. Take time to look at what you are creating as your life. What is it that you truly desire? What changes would you like to make? Keep it simple. It’s in the simplicity that magic happens.💜

I offer healing and mentoring sessions. You can connect with me at:

If you would like to order your own copy of Jacq’s Musings, please click here: JACQS MUSINGS

Love and gratitude 

Jacq 💜

Jacq Koloski

Jacq Koloski is an intuitive energy mentor and accomplished author, who empowers individuals to find clarity, heal, flourish and craft a life they love through her workshops and sessions.

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