Has the start of 2021 been what you thought it would be? by Linda Willow Roberts, spiritual teacher

An air of nostalgia has settled on us like a mist dampening the landscape. Energetic fatigue has shown me personally to rest when needed and to hydrate as my holistic body is trying to maintain the new 2021 Aquarius energies. As we bring in new light codes and continually upgrade with the new energies, our human bodies need to upgrade as well. I have personally had to take stock of my own health regime and I am slowly removing the toxicities that my body is now purging and moving away from.

Noticeably January has been a blur of distractions and a clearing of outworn beliefs fear and doubt. Even though I have been practicing my spiritual life for 35 years, I to can go into the abyss before being reborn again, rising out of the ashes. Fortunately, because of all the clearing I have done over the years, my withdrawal is like a ripple rather than a roller-coaster ride. I became silent in my cave, not wanting to participate in the 3D world, but not really understanding my pullback until it has now become apparent my new awareness and energy has shifted repeatedly since December. And my part in receiving this energy is to allow the dust to settle and let it morph into what it needs to be for me. I personally feel more powerful within, there is a knowing that I can manifest in a more sustainable way, with depth and knowledge of why I am here doing what I am doing.

I seem to go through the ebb and flow of spiritual change before most people and if I can give you any advice, be still, don’t react, rest and please ground yourself using techniques that are stronger than anything you have used before. The old bare foot on the grass or in the water doesn’t suffice anymore. As we move closer to the Full moon in Leo on the 29th January in Australia, the energy will feel like it is being sped up, nostalgia will creep in and you may find yourself feeling like it is too late, you’ve missed out on something, but this is just an illusion. What is for you will never pass you, in saying that, you still need to take action steps towards your goal.

On the flip side, Leo doesn’t have a ruling planet we are the SUN so shine, bake in the light that is fully illuminated, see what exposes itself and comes to light! Leos carries their heart on their sleeve, this is all about things coming to light in a strong heart space way. Instead of roaring like the Lion, take it into your heart and give any situation to the Universe for it to be transmuted with loving light. Not to be a Negative Nancy, but just after the full moon Mercury goes retro, clear the decks by the full moon and the retrograde will be easier for you.

To summarise, feel the tone, aura, atmosphere that is within you, be patient if the answers are not coming quickly, sit with your emotions and consult Spirit, it is like you are searching for your divine flavour and partnering with the Universe, and connecting holistically is the only way to move forward in this new energy.


Linda Willow Roberts

Linda Willow Roberts is a spiritual teacher, author and creator of ‘I am a Manifestor Magical Oracle Cards’ based in Tasmania and offering her products and services anywhere in the world.

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