Adding some herbs into your first aid kit at home can make a great difference in wellness outcomes for small injuries, burns and inflammation. 

It’s easy to make them at home from herbs growing in your garden and it’s also good to chat with your herbalist about getting some of the liquid extracts so you can use them in your first aid kit at home. 

Without too much detail here is the low down on my favourite herbs for first aid and why they are so great! Also, remember there are lots of other herbs you can use too. Do your research and grow in your garden your favourites! 


Arnica for Injury, bruises,  accelerates healing, reduces pain swelling and relieves inflammation quickly. Helps the healing of ligament, tendon and muscle damage. 


Is our herb of choice for itchy skin, insect bites, small open wounds, redness, broken skin, rashes, unusual open wounds. It offers antimicrobial relief, cools and soothes skin, relieves heat and acts as a fast wound healer and tissue proliferator.


Reduces inflammation, tendon and muscle recovery. Offers pain relief, seals and heals wounds. Comfrey is the glue to cuts and broken skin, healing and sealing. It’s used for puncture wounds and deep cuts on skin and is a relief to sprains and fractures. We use this topically only.  

Hypericum ( St Johns wort)

Antimicrobial, burn relief, good for kitchen, motorbike, sunburn relief. Relieves nerve pain, settles the nervous system, nerve pain relief, trauma, shock. It’s cooling and can be used internally to reduce anxiety, stress and depression in trauma. Very calming. Check medications and contraindications. 


Turmeric for inflammation care, preventing infections, relieves pain, offered both topically as a compress and internally as herbal medicine. Very good for joint pain, inflamed skin, when someone has fallen or been hit by an object. Good for old reoccurring spinal and joint injuries . It’s also used for aids digestion and for food poisoning internally. 


Ginger for travel sickness, food poisoning, induce vomiting, digestive issues, nausea, headaches, prevents infections topically, anti-inflammatory, where the infection is pending, pain relief, increase circulation, warming. Combination of skin conditions where it’s inflamed and infected. 

Thanks for reading this. The info here is very basic and I have not described how we use these herbs as compresses, poultices, teas and internal extractions. 

If you would like to know more and are available on Sunday, August 15th, come to Maleny and share in our Long Table Wellness Day dedicated to Herbal First Aid.

Love Dominique 



Instagram: medicine_room 

Dom Liv Kimal

Dominique Livkamal is a well-known herbalist, naturopath, author and creator of ‘Medicine Room’, offering free community naturopathic clinics, handmade herbal medicines and beautiful body product collections.

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