HOPE AND JOY by Yvonne Fregon

It is with joy that we come today to bring you a message of hope and joy. Hope is a feeling of better things to come, and there will be better things to come. Hope keeps you going, step by step on the upward journey to look forward to better times for you, your family, friends and, indeed, the world.

With hope in your heart, you continue to strive to improve – to improve your being, your heart.

The mantra – love to all, kindness to all should emanate from your being, to reach the darkest corners of – yes – even the darkest corners of the world can be brightened through such a simple act.

Indeed, as you emanate hope, you bring forth joy to self and others as you progress yourself on the pathway, and so too infuses others with hope and joy.

What a difference you can make. Go forth my friends with new- found hope and joy. Note how your step is now lighter and brighter as you feel uplifted with hope and joy that is to come.


Celebrate the life you have.

It is yours and belongs to nobody else.

This is what makes you unique.

There is nobody just like you.

Your looks, mannerisms, personality and so on.

Rejoice in who you are.

Take stock of who you are, your abilities, your achievements.

No matter how large, no matter how small.

Your ups and downs

Rejoice in your uniqueness.

A very special being that carries the Light and Love of Spirit within

Rejoice in the knowledge you have the ability to send out love and healing to the world with just a thought.

You have the ability to send love and healing to yourself.

What an achievement!

And so simple!

Be ever mindful of this wonderful power you have.

And rejoice in this and your uniqueness in this world.

You can find more about the heartfelt CD Yvie has released, sessions details, as well as her regular blog and gallery at:  www.owlhousearts.com

Yvonne Fregon

Yvonne (Evie) is the founder of Owl House Arts – heart and soul services. Her purpose is to bring together products and services to bring healing, hope, love and comfort to people anywhere in the world who are having a tough time with life.



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