Sigh, I fully understand why we as business owners don’t like to send emails. And I’ve heard this comment repeatedly from business owners who ‘just want to do their thing’ and not do this marketing/sales thing.
Getting setup in the online world is required IF you want to grow your business. It’s no longer a nice to have thing, it’s a must! And I’m here to hear what you want and can support you birth this baby – not just telling you what you need to do, we do it together – mentoring, coaching and systems built.
Goodbye tech overwhelm and frustration!
I love birthing business online – it was my dream when I was nursing to become a midwife, yet I had my own babies, and they had medical needs, so I turned to the world wide web for answers and a way to connect to the world from the confines of my home and my business was born from there.
I love business improvements and taking what you have and know to make it easier to do business for you online and easier for others to do business with you. There are business growth strategies proven to work, even in the healing space.
Every building has solid foundations, your business needs this too!
Let me explain how an email I received inspired me to write this article to get the message out there on relationship marketing and sending the right message at the right time.
While we love to buy, we don’t like to be sold to, Unless we’re in the top 3% of ready to buy.
Before I dig in, if you’ve read any of my articles, you’d be starting to see how I’m a technical marketing woowoo gal. I not only provide business operating systems, business automation, client management, online course creation + delivery and share knowledge in the many ways you can leverage the world wide web space in the right way for you. I bring in heart, and a big one at that. So if you’re wondering how you can market yourself online in the most efficient way that’s not spammy, let’s chat.
In my last article I mentioned I would write about ‘buyer ready’ and the top 3%, you can look up Chet Holmes buyers pyramid for the original source and more details. You must build a relationship with your prospects first before ‘selling’ and only selling.
The ads you see on FB are for the top 3% of ready now, or can also help to bubble up a prospect from not interested to being open, it’s a journey for that to happen using a lead magnet that captures your details and then nurtures you. I call this The Customer Journey and this is how you build a relationship with your community, so they can get to know you and your services. It’s possible to make this easier for yourself by investing in building a relationship marketing strategy into your business.
Today you need 21 touch points (it used to be 7) and while you may go, OMG! That’s a lot, that’s where a well-crafted customer journey is a critical marketing piece you must have. It’s about creating a way to deliver your message to the right people at the right time. I love to ‘fast track’ my clients through a fully supported and gentle process of blending heart into marketing and this starts with getting clarity on what you want, what your audience wants, and you can help yourself today using my book IN DEMAND B.O.S.S. Business Operating Success Systems to help you get organised and save time. ‘Chapter 11: It’s a date’ goes into how business relates to dating. Do it right and you’ll discover building relationships leads to more sales.
Get your copy by visiting the book’s home on the web at:, it’s my mission to get you feeling comfortable marketing your business online in a way that aligns with you.
Now that email, it was a sales pitch! Ack!!! Yes, we don’t want them. I wasn’t interested in the products and there wasn’t even a name on the email! I had to work out who it was from, and I went urgh… it left me feeling ick, and that’s why many of us don’t like to send emails, because it’s mostly poorly executed, it does not mean it’s BAD TO SEND EMAILS! It’s the opposite, when done right, it’s desired from the one seeking to know who you are and how you can help them be a better human.
We love to improve ourselves, and your business is your baby and it needs to grow and evolve with you!
Make it easy to connect with you beyond the networking event, beyond the social channels and take organic marketing to the next level with love.
Let’s connect and find the solution for you – schedule a call and get the self-help clarity workbook >>
Stay Healthy and Happy
Lyndi MacRae, The Business Intuitive 🔱
Small Business Growth Strategist and Certified Digital Marketer
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