How To Fast Track Your Results without Hours of Talk Therapy or Leaving Home by Laura Press

Sadness, distress, trauma and fear; when you are in the deep depths of these emotions and difficult situations are occurring in your life, how do you move beyond this? How do you feel better? And how do you feel like yourself again? There was a time in my life when I was experiencing a significant, unexpected and challenging change, which included enormous stress, turmoil and grief to the point where I would experience regular nightmares and spontaneous bouts of crying throughout the day. I thought it was never going to end. Given the circumstances, I struggled to think about how to move forward with my life. 

These feelings are common, especially in the current climate; many people are facing major changes right now, loss of incomes, moving house, issues with family or partners. How can you move through grief, trauma, loss or anxiety? How can we put our best foot forward to make positive and empowering decisions in times like these? 

I know I underwent a pivotal shift when I experienced PSYCH-K®. I am sure you are wondering what PSYCH-K® is? It is a unique blend of scientific and spiritual processes that creates maximum, long lasting results and fast.

Why is PSYCH-K® so effective?

  • It creates long-lasting changes in your mind, body and soul. 
  • Transforms your communication between your right and left brain. When you are in a state of stress, worry, trauma or anxiety, you struggle to make informed decisions because you are only operating out of one side of your brain; hence, you are unable to make proper decisions from this space. Hello, empowered decisions!
  • You don’t need to relive the emotion or trauma to experience powerful shifts with PSYCH-K®.
  • It changes your physiology from fight and flight (sympathetic) nervous system to your calm parasympathetic nervous system.
  • Shifting heavy emotions such as anger, fear, resentment, feeling overwhelmed with stress or anxiety.
  • Privacy is a big one. PSYCH-K® does not require you to divulge the painful, traumatic or embarrassing details of the situation to address the underlying causes which maintains your privacy should you choose to do so. 
  • Transform limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs and further align your physiology, unconscious/conscious mind and your actions through one streamlined process to uplevel any or all areas of your life.

Laura is offering a FREE 15 Minute Consult to fast track your RESULTS. Offer Expires February the 28th, 2022.

The results you could expect to feel are peace, joy, love and non-attachment, effortlessly achieving goals, moving forward with your life after trauma or challenging situations, rekindling romance, ceasing the same patterns occurring in your life, transforming your thoughts, words and actions. Actionable strategies you can implement on your own at any time. 

*Disclaimer: Everyone’s results are individual to them and vary based on the individual. PSYCH-K® process is not designed to diagnose medical problems, nor is it a replacement for medical attention or professional mental health care.

Laura Press

Laura is the founder of Wholehearted Breakthroughs, holds a Master's in Counselling, Guidance & Careers, Bachelor of Biomedical Science and is a Psych-K Facilitator and a Marriage & Relationship Counsellor.

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