I Crashed the Quad Bike by Davina Herbert

I live on acreage with a large animal family.  To make it easier to feed everyone and to get around the property, I recently bought a second-hand quad bike, which I call Bear.  This has been a big adventure for me. As a child, I was a girly girl and struggled to even ride a bicycle.  But times change and it was time to learn some new skills. 

The learning curve with Bear has been steeper than I had anticipated. 

Step one – start riding.  It is hilly where I live, and the quad bike arrived in the middle of a rainy period.  This proved to be both a challenge and a blessing.  The blessing was that I didn’t have to push a wheelbarrow filled with hay on muddy paths. The challenge was that I had to learn to ride the quad bike on slippery ground instead of getting used to it in the dry. 

Step two – dealing with mechanical issues.  Being second hand, Bear can be a little bit temperamental.  I have had to learn what steps I need to take when she won’t start.  The other day I just couldn’t get Bear restarted in the paddock.  So, I left her there and walked back to the house, which was not far.  When I went down in the evening to retrieve Bear, I found that the horses had been nibbling on her.  They are very curious and the fact that she carries their hay makes her very attractive to them.  Note to self, do not leave the quad bike in the paddock again.

Step three – listening to my own intuition.  In every course that I teach I always tell people to listen to their own intuition as it is their best guide.  The other night I when I was riding Bear, my intuition told me to turn to the right.  Instead, I went to the left.  The next thing – BANG.  I had crashed the quad bike into a table that was outside the shed.  What did I learn from that?  Lots.  I learnt that life flows better when I am authentic and walk my own talk e.g, listen to my own intuition like I tell clients to do.  I also learnt that sometimes, it is necessary to take things a bit slower to go faster. Luckily Bear has a Nudge Bar, so she wasn’t damaged, and neither was the table.

If you would like some help with getting back in touch with your own intuition, then I have the Walking Tall program. It is the signature program of Pet Energy Therapy.  In Walking Tall, we utilise the wisdom of horses and horse energy to help you remember who you are.  Up to now, this program has only been offered as a hands-on program. I am currently working on some online modules.  If you would like to be on the emailing list to get special offers and be the first to know when the online courses are launched, please email me at davina@thepetenergytherapy.com.

And visit me at: https://www.facebook.com/PetEnergyTherapyRules

Happy riding!

Davina Herbert

Davina is the pioneer of Pet Energy Therapy and she uses her communication skills and an holistic approach to help restore balance for all your family- including the animal family members.

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