September 2022 Soul Scopes By Marion Hutton – The Soul Awakening Strategist

The cosmic themes for September are evaluation and integration, especially around relationships.  

We begin September with all planets from Jupiter to Pluto in retrograde. This has an introverted feeling of slowing down and going within to evaluate and integrate.

Mercury opposes Jupiter and trines Mars on the 3rd bringing optimism around communication and negotiations. Doorways for potential collaborations are opening at this time. Don’t underestimate your needs though, it is important that any actions arising from discussions are done with the knowledge that you are receiving maximum benefit for you out of the situation.

We are also in the pre-shadow of Mercury retrograde as he slows down in preparation for the official cycle on 10th September (through to 2nd October). Retrogrades are always a time of evaluation, to slow down and take stock of where we are at and integrate learnings and realisations. Mercury retrogrades invite us to consider how well our lives are functioning, what is working and what is not. With Libra and Virgo involved in September’s retrograde themes of work, health and relationships are prominent. This Mercury retro is a prime time to figure out what adjustments need to be made so our lives can be more in alignment with our soul’s higher calling in these areas. The Pisces Full Moon, also on the 10th, will provide spiritual insight to this.

Venus moves into Mercury-ruled Virgo on the 5th/6th and with Mars already in Gemini, also ruled by Mercury, this retrograde affords the opportunity to sort out any issues or dysfunction in relationships. There is a chance to clear the air and work out how things can go forward in a way that works for both parties. The energy between you may feel especially deep, or triggering, on the 7th when the Moon meets Pluto. Breathe through it, knowing that whatever is coming up is being healed. Take time alone if needed to process your feelings and come back into communication when the intensity dies down.

With Venus squaring Mars on the 16th/17th sensual sparks fly as attraction grows with someone. This could well be someone from your past coming back around to flirt their way around issues that need to be addressed, especially around feelings. Use your discernment to manage this. Boundaries are also important at this time, especially with the Sun opposing Neptune, which may have you getting carried away with feeling unconditional love that may not be reciprocated outwardly. The advice here is to gather evidence, remain grounded and match the energy they are giving you. Venus’ opposition to Neptune on the 23rd will help you remain realistic and practical but there is potential here to break a stalemate and reinvigorate a connection.

We end September with a New Moon in Libra on the 25th/26th opposing Jupiter in Aries. Again, relationship themes come to the fore in a way that promotes balance between our desire to achieve our greatest potential on an individual level while being able to show up emotionally for our spouse or partner. This placement establishes the energy of interdependency, as opposed to co-dependency, in close relationships and can herald a new, healthy way of relating that supports the evolutionary path for both people. How beautiful!

Let’s have a look at this energy from the perspective of each sign. Read your Sun, Moon and Rising for a full picture of your month ahead. Enjoy the cosmic possibilities September brings!

A new cycle begins for you in September! You have learned lessons and cleared karma from an old cycle and are now embarking on this next phase of your life with a new level of spiritual awakening. You can start this new cycle with complete faith in your ability to handle any challenges and trust in the Divine Plan for your life. You know yourself on a deeper level and understand your unique place in the world better than ever. The universe will surprise you in the most delightful way when you take action to align with your highest purpose. It may be time to elevate your contribution to the world through spiritual service at this time. Think big, start small and move fast toward your future vision!


You will need to balance your intuition with your rational mind this month. It’s all about getting to the heart of issues, discerning the truth and resolving matters fairly. You know the truth, you are the truth and will need to speak your truth very clearly this month so you can maintain harmony within yourself. When you do this, you create an environment of honesty and openness in others too. You may need to be brutally honest and blunt this month too, to make your point clearly and precisely. Your natural humour and compassion will soften the delivery of direct messages, but nonetheless, it’s important to choose your words wisely and speak your truth with confidence this month.

There is so much love and contentment around you this month! Spending time with people you love and who cherish you in return. Being held in emotional safety and comfort is important this month as you’ve been through some trials and tribulations. The skies of happiness and joy are opening for you, helping you to realise that what you truly want in life is what you have already created. You have figured out the key to happiness lies in your hands, but sharing love makes it all the more special. September is a month for you to find the beauty in the every day, to stop and smell the roses and be thankful for everyone in your life. Singles may feel they are ready to share love with a significant other and may experience a destined or fated meeting this month that leads to long term emotional commitment. There are so many signs around you this month to let you know you are loved and truly blessed.


Your mind is your greatest asset this month! Realisations, epiphanies and insightful ideas inspire you along your path. Move faster than the speed of disbelief so you can co-design with the universe and make your thoughts a reality down the track. The key here is to stop over-thinking and focus your mind on which ideas will gain the greatest traction and momentum. You may need to adjust your attitude to life and dispose of old thought patterns. If you believe you should take a new direction or approach to something, trust your insights and move forward to develop the idea further. Clear communication is also essential this month, if there are misunderstandings, sort them out without delay. Someone who has been on your mind lately may make contact. It will be important to hear them out and not jump to conclusions. Remain open minded.

A spirit of generosity surrounds you this month. Be generous but also be careful of not over-spending or committing, especially with money. If you have a tendency to be a giver, be prepared to receive, a monetary bonus is on the cards this month! It’s all about the equal exchange of energy in relationships and money this month. Manage your energy with discernment, especially with those who have a record of constantly drawing on your time, energy and other resources without giving back. It may be time to put some healthy boundaries in place and lovingly enforce them. Your attitude to money may need an adjustment before you will see the increase in finances you have been hoping for. It’s all about letting go of lack and welcoming the feeling of high value and self-worth. You deserve it!

It’s all about following your dreams this month and spoiling yourself. Your dreams are your sacred contract with the Divine. Don’t do it for anyone else but you. Dreams are literally the clues to how we can best express our Divine gifts and innate talents so follow your intuitive guidance in that direction this month. It’s also time to celebrate your success and achievements this month by showering yourself with love and buying a treat or gift that you have been promising yourself for a long time. Your path to happiness is on track this month and you know exactly how to love yourself and be your own best friend. In this energy, you could attract anything, or anyone, into your life. You exude a certain joie de vivre this month!

The truth of a situation or person is revealed to you this month. This could be someone confessing to you about what really happened in a particular situation or a sudden realisation coming to you. Someone may have acted from a place of fear, and it may have angered or hurt you, and now they are avoiding you because they don’t know what to say. Your job this month is to hold space for them to get something off their chest, to listen without judgement and graciously accept any apologies that come your way. Your voice of truth is strong this month, so speak with loving kindness and take the lead in a situation to mend a misunderstanding or communicate how you feel. The heart is always the ultimate source of truth and never needs validation from anyone outside of ourselves for it to bring peace.


This month it is important to acknowledge where in your life you may be feeling unfulfilled. Seek out the company of people that nourish you emotionally. There is a need to move on from situations that no longer uplift you and now is the time to secure a new emotional future. Your feelings are serving you well in helping you decide what is right for you. When you walk away from people who are selfish and don’t support you, you set a standard for the types of people you attract into your life. Share more of your emotional side with people you trust this month. This could be challenging, but well worth the investment in your emotional health and relationships. It’s not that you’re running away from something, rather moving toward something better for your soul. It’s time to release people or situations you have outgrown. Be true to your feelings, you know where the goodness is, move toward it!

This month your future plans come into focus and you are taking the next step toward along your spiritual journey. Whatever it is that ignites your passion and creative energy is the path you must take now. Amazing experiences are on their way to you this month when you enthusiastically embrace opportunities to progress your life purpose! Have confidence that you are guided and protected on this journey by your team of spirit guides. September is a great time to dream big and expect your plans to work out exactly as you have envisioned. Be brave and bold this month and take action toward bringing a dream to fruition. No more waiting, the time is now to put your strategy into action!

This month you will need to find the courage to face up to something you have been avoiding. You will need to muster your mental and emotional strength to overcome it, but once you do it you will wonder what you were ever afraid of! This is an opportunity to really come into your authenticity, to let down your walls and embrace your magnificence in every way. Only by accepting all parts of yourself can you show up in the world as the beautiful light that you are. You have the inner strength to overcome life’s challenges with dignity, grace and power at this time. All it takes is allowing your soul to express itself without interference from your ego or pride. From this place, your humanness draws others to you who are in energetic resonance with your true self. 

There is more going on in a situation than you may be aware of this month. There’s a lot going on emotionally with you or someone close to you that needs to be expressed. Stuffing down emotions is unhealthy and may affect us physically if we don’t process them. Look beneath people’s surface behaviour to reveal their true motivations. Trust in the power of your emotional body to show you the truth. The Full Moon this month is an important time to process and release emotions that you have kept under lock and key for some time. This month it is all about finding the time for emotional processing while maintaining functional control of your life so you’re not completely overwhelmed. Talking, crying, singing, writing, screaming, exercising or energy healing, whatever activity works for you to clear emotions that are ready to be released. When you master this ability, it will serve you for life. That’s what the moon cycles are for!

You will need to be flexible and adaptable this month as you are likely to be dealing with several competing goals. You may be feeling at cross purposes, either within yourself, or with others. This is not the time to avoid the situation and hope it’ll go away, you must face it head on. This will help you to rise above any conflict and get everyone working toward a common goal. It’s important to realise that there is no growth without conflict, however if people continue to create drama or try to tear you down it may be time to sever ties, at least for now. Don’t take things personally this month, other people’s behavior is nothing to do with you and everything to do with their own fear and insecurities. You don’t need to convince others of your position, the right people will show up in support when you remain true to your vision.

These Soul Scopes are an intuitive fusion of Tarot, Astrology and Numerology. Marion practices Evolutionary Astrology which reveals the potential of cosmic forces that contribute to each person’s unique soul blueprint and evolutionary path in this life. Marion uses astrology to provide greater understanding of the universe and deep self-acceptance for all her clients. To book a personal reading with Marion, go to: For media appearances, collaborations and all other requests, email Marion directly at:

Marion Hutton

Marion Hutton is The Soul Awakening Strategist and pioneer of the Divine DNA Blueprint and the creator of Soul Scopes Astrology.

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