If you can’t recognise the ingredients, don’t put it IN or ON your body By Don Tolman

After scouring the globe for nearly two decades as a young adult to unlock the history and mystery of Pulse Raw Food, I’m thrilled to have this superfood finally back in people’s hands, organic and handcrafted, direct from nature’s table. Pulse Raw Food, an “ancient sacred meal” contains a naturally nutritious raw blend of specific whole food ingredients that for thousands of years, was the secret to optimal health. Pulse was understood by only a select few throughout history. It harnesses a unique code found within nature (the “phi ratio”) to optimise every single cell of your body – dispatching toxins, delivering energy and helping you to elevate your mental clarity and focus to entirely new levels!

The Ancient History of Pulse

For thousands of years the secret to optimal health has been passed through the ancient mystery schools of learning. One of the main goals of evolving cultures was to appeal to and enhance all of the five senses.

Leonardo Da Vinci used sacred geometry in all of his paintings. The Greeks and other cultures relied on sacred geometry to create their statues, buildings and cities. Pythagoras developed music using the sacred geometry found in octaves.

Today we know that all of these brilliant individuals created the highest levels of experience in sight, smell and sound, but most people don’t know that combining these sacred proportions into meal offerings was the highest work that could be achieved.

It was anciently referred to as “golden measured meals”. Pythagoras called it the “Meal of Hercules”. Daniel from the Old Testament took this information and called it “pulse”.

Today, pulse is meticulously handcrafted in our purpose-built facility in Northern New South Wales, using the exact same ratios, measures and ingredients that was anciently prepared and consumed for optimum health and well-being.

All our handcrafted range of wholefood and personal care products are created from nature’s table, using the ancient principles of alchemy combining all-natural,  non-toxic ingredients.

You can rest easy knowing that every ingredient in every product, comes to you in  its pure and unrefined state, delivering health and healing benefits just the way  Mother Nature intended!

For the quote: “Self Care is the simple understanding of the power and intelligence of the human body to prolong, heal and restore itself by supporting it with principles of life and health, not toxic, invasive medical drugs, procedures and treatments. Self-care is an ageless wisdom that was harnessed by many ancient cultures, that allowed them to live long, disease-free lives.”



Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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