Interview with Regression Therapist and Trainer from the U.K, Karen E Wells

Vanessa: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your background?

Karen: I worked within the corporate world for many years before leaving that to follow my dreams in helping other people. In 2005, I trained as a hypnotherapist and then furthered my learning with regression as well as healing. In 2006, I established the KEW Training Academy that offers classroom & online courses and I have been lucky enough to teach & work with students all over the world.

Vanessa: What inspired you to work as a regression therapist?

Karen: I knew that standard hypnotherapy wasn’t enough to really get to the root cause of issues, so I trained in regression for this lifetime & past Lives. I then saw the power of how when someone allows themselves to go back to the root cause of their issue, how deeply healing this can be and enable them to move forward in life.

Vanessa: Are there other people or teachings that have inspired you?

Karen: I’ve been inspired by Mike Robinson and Jo Le-Rose, International Spiritual Teachers who I have worked with for the last 11 years. Not only have they helped me to let go of certain things and heal, which is incredibly important to do on your own inner journey when working with others, but they helped me to create my new pioneering work of Parallel Quantum Lives. They are probably the most inspiring people you could ever meet!

Vanessa: What changes have you seen in people with the work you do?

Karen: It’s always incredibly humbling to sit in the therapist’s chair from the aspect of regression. I have seen people walk free of incredible physical pain, let go of phobias, move forward from abusive relationships and many other things. I’ve been very blessed to have so many clients and students trust me and come forward to heal their own journey. Words simply are sometimes just not enough.

Vanessa: Can you tell us a little bit about what you are offering in May in Australia?

Karen: I’m offering two workshops. The first is on the Sunshine Coast, QLD which is a two day workshop with the amazing Katie Webber. It’s called “Moving Through Consciousness with Parallel Quantum Lives”. It’s about seeing that your world is your reality and that if you heal what is holding you back – you can change your NOW & Future. This is working through the different lives that are existing right now at the same time (there are no past or future Lives) It also covers moments in time that are stuck on the astral & mental planes. Here is the link:

The 2nd workshop is a two day training in Brisbane for those already qualified in regression that teaches them how to take clients into Parallel Quantum Lives and what the client can heal. It’s working on the physical, astral & mental planes.


Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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1 comment

  • Hi Kaz I’m Debbie I use to work with your mum at pantherella x I seen your mum today in wigston and she told me how well you are doing and she so proud of you to hope you are well and I hope I’ve got the right kaz to ? x I’m proud of you to for how for you have got in life congratulations xx


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