Keep the Light above the Dark! by Yvonne Fregon

Keepers of the Light your job is not over. There is much more to do.

Much more salvation to be accomplished. You cannot afford to rest on your laurels. You are at the forefront of these changes, of such changes that are occurring. It is your job to ensure that all are embraced by the Light.

Keepers of the Light it may seem harder, harder for you now and into this future of yours. This is a hastening, a quickening, a new chapter in your progress. You must be prepared. You must keep yourselves strong in body and mind to be able, to be ready for – I don’t like to use the word “onslaught” – but to be ready for the negativity that is trying to push you back. You are targeted, you may be targeted in ways you do not know, in ways you are not aware of.

Little things, little things. Yes, little things may annoy you that normally would not. This is a beginning, a way to chip away at your positiveness. Yes, chip away. Be aware how important it is to know that when such a little thing may annoy you that doesn’t normally do so that this is a negativity. Chipping away at your Light. This is what they do, you know – very subterfugedly.

Very, very, underhanded is not quite the right word, but secretly chipping away at your Light.  And if you succumb bit by bit then you will find it harder to be living in the Light and that is what – that is what the dark side is trying to achieve. They are trying to push back the Light. Be aware, be very, very aware.

Protect yourselves – you know how. Protect yourselves and surround yourselves in beautiful white light. Protect yourselves and repeat protection throughout the day.

You are like the soldiers of the Light, children of the Light, the soldiers of the Light fighting, embracing the Light and fighting for the safety of humanity, for the safety of all. This is how important your role is.

Fight the negativity with love and raise yourself into your highest self above the negativity. Surround yourself in love, which makes it extremely difficult or very difficult for the negativity or the dark side to break through. They are always trying you know. I may use the word negativity, but to speak plainly it is the dark side trying to change the balance in the scales of life.

The positive must maintain the balance in the scales between black and white. The white must win out to maintain the balance of life on this planet and in this universe and eventually all universes. This is how important your job is to maintain the Light, maintain the positiveness in your being.

This is your task. Do not slacken off. Be always aware to keep yourselves in the Light. And should you stumble and fall and allow a little chip of your Light to be succumbed to by the dark, shake it off and return yourself to the Light to the positive being, to the beauty that you are, the beauty within.

And know that if you start to worry about slipping, call on your guides, call on your loved ones in Spirit, (you have many people to help you, you know). Call on the Great One, call on The Divine to help you when the dark is trying to overwhelm you. Very important to be reminded of this my friend, Light being of the earth, the universe in fact.

Don’t underestimate your importance and how easy it is to stay in the Light or to return to the Light. Spread Light, spread love, spread joy to keep yourself above the dark.

Go in love my friends.

To book a reading, Aura drawing or connect with Yvonne please go to:

Yvonne Fregon

Yvonne (Evie) is the founder of Owl House Arts – heart and soul services. Her purpose is to bring together products and services to bring healing, hope, love and comfort to people anywhere in the world who are having a tough time with life.

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