In our current environment, today’s parents are experiencing increasing stress trying to juggle conflicting demands.  This could include working full time, keeping up with technology, plus all those extra demands of supporting children with extra curriculum activities such as sport, clubs and extra tuition.  In addition, we have social media that can add to our commitment plus the pressure to be the best parent, employee, friend etc.

With all these commitments in place – where is time for family connection? Where is there time for parents and children to play? 

To be honest, time can always be found and there is a HUGE opportunity for parents to reduce stress by setting boundaries, learning to say ‘No’, and prioritising themselves first and then the family.   Now this may sound selfish but, family connections are so important to the wellbeing of all.   

Learn to say ‘No’!

Parents can sometimes feel pressured in to saying, ‘Yes’ when they would rather say ‘No’. This could be to their child, another parent, or family members.  Parents often also feel guilty if they do say ‘No’ as their child may feel upset or fear upsetting someone.   However, it is good self-care to say ‘No’ and not over commit yourself.  Saying ‘No’ to take care of your own needs is having good boundaries in place.  Remember, you have the right to say ‘No’ and be independent of others’ approval.

Set boundaries.

To set a boundary is empowering.  For example, you may decide to have every Thursday afternoon off.  However, your children or family beg, coerce and badger you to take them to an activity.  By sticking to your decision and saying ‘No’ to others, you have just set a boundary. Boundaries mean knowing the rules for yourself and others; like a policy or guidelines for what you want.  Remember we teach people how we want to be treated!

Breath and stop.

This is so simple, and it allows the body and nervous system to relax.   As soon as you feel overwhelmed, stressed, uptight and swamped, STOP and take 3 deep breaths. Notice how your body and mind instantly have more clarity and your body relaxes.

Plan and action.

Each week set yourself a plan of what you want as this creates a bonding family connection for all. Look back over the previous week and identify what made you feel separated as a family unit. Reorganise life around what you need and have the whole family involved. 

The key to having family connections comes back to you.   Make time to do things as a TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More BY Walt Disney). Remember your family is your heartbeat.

And for those that want to know more, become a Medical Intuitive Practitioner with me and learn the ancient healing of Mystery School, contact me below.

Jean Sheehan

Jean Sheehan is a 6-time Amazon Best Selling Author an award winning and internationally recognised Medical Intuitive known as the ‘Walking Talking MRI’ who travels the world teaching The Secret Codes to Success®.

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