Let’s Wrap Up 2021 With Love, Insights and New Vision by Trish Rock

Every year you can hear the buzz of “thank goodness that year is over!”

Yes, it happens every year and I don’t know about you but in my life, it also happens at the end of the month, week and often the day! 

Why are we so anxious about the future, never in the present and so fast to want to get to the next thing?

Just something to consider as we end this year of 2021 and head into 2022.

This year has been a 5 Vibration year – 2+0+2+1=5

5 is a number of change, of expression, of truth and of freedom.

Interesting that these were the topics everywhere you looked in 2021! And what a year it has been. Tumultuous and difficult would be an understatement.

One thing for certain though, if we can look past the triggers, the emotions, and the rollercoasters, we all had to, at some point, choose change – personally, mentally, and energetically. 

In some cases, change was forced. However, over your lifetime, there have most likely been many other occasions where the Universe has stepped in and forced some type of change (to help you get to what you are manifesting!). I feel that because it has been a global change with everyone affected in some way, it was far more intense than any individual ones we have had this time or in the past!

Personally, for me, the changes that have both been chosen by me or forced upon me have been for the better. I am far more connected and in tune with who I am and where I am going with my passion and purpose, and with how I find joy and love, in myself and others. 

It hasn’t been an easy road however I am eternally grateful that I have not had to take too many steps backwards (and stay there!) and my personal journey has continued with great insights and growth. Although some of those times curled up on the floor just wanting it all to go away were still there.

2021 has given us all the opportunity to get to the truth of who we are and why we are here. If you took that personal and inner journey, then 2022 will be what you are waiting for.

A Universal 6 year – 2+0+2+2=6, 2022 is all about connection, spirituality, and the opportunity to understand this game we call reality. It is not as it seems, which was made very clear over the past 2 years, should you have been open to it. We have the energy to truly see and be the creators we are and allow our true essence to start being the overseer of the mind.

How do you want your story to feel and look? What are you doing and being to change the script so that the scenes are different?

Something to truly think about and put into action this month so you are super clear going into January, allowing you to begin to do and be that new character.

The world, your environment, the people around you, wont change to make you feel better. You are the only one that can find inner peace, that can change things in your life and shift your triggers. Creating a new story is a good start. Will you hear the calling?

I love you and send all my blessings for Christmas. Thank you for your support throughout the year and I can’t wait to share the new year with you.

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Trish Rock

Trish Rock is a Peace Coach, Best Selling Author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic who helps people to improve their lives through breaking down the barriers to true freedom and holistic wellness. Her clients call her the Queen of Calm because of the peace and clarity she brings into their life.

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