Letting Go Of The Old by Shveta

I had a tendency to lose myself in relationships – being emotionally and mentally dependent on connections, friends and relationships. 

I used to draw my worth from those whom I connected to.

It was from a place of emptiness, I was hoping to fill my emptiness by receiving love from others. And in that place of lack: 

πŸ”… I became a saviour

πŸ”… I started over-giving

πŸ”… I turned into a people pleaser

πŸ”… I became an always available person

πŸ”… I allowed others to treat me the way they’d like and rejected myself.

πŸ”… I became desperate to be liked and loved by others and abandoned myself

πŸ”… There was a deep sense of loneliness, unworthiness, shame, and not being good enough 

But nothing worked. No matter how much I gave to others, people would eventually leave, reject or abandon me. 

πŸ”… It created more hatred for myself.

πŸ”… It was only when I unravelled and started healing, I could see from a different vantage point.

πŸ”… I was empty from inside and thought others would help in fulfilling.

πŸ”… The emptiness reflects more emptiness.

πŸ”… The place of lack grows bigger when it expects to be filled by others.

πŸ”… I was ignoring my own needs.

πŸ”… I wasn’t even aware of my needs.

πŸ”… Energetic blocks, trauma, old programming were hindering me from having a fulfilled life. 

πŸ”… No one can make you complete if there’s that nagging feeling of lack inside. 

When we look outwards for deep relationships without knowing and having a relationship with ourselves, it often dismantles into shards. 

In the past few years, I walked away from all those relationships that were based on a weak foundation of lack. 

I could do it because I unravelled and healed all those deep-seated traumatic memories of past(lives) that were intercepting my viewpoint. 

πŸ”… I walked away from those who couldn’t reciprocate. 

πŸ”… I accepted my emotional needs. 

πŸ”… I acknowledged my needs are important. 

Relationships are an important part of human life and they grow when two people approach from a place of love instead of lack. 

It starts with ourselves – the basis of a healthy relationship is to inculcate a deep connection with ourselves first. 

When we start to nourish and pour that love we seek from outwards, we become the vessel of love and grace. The grace that follows in the way we treat life. And our perception of life changes. 

I know you might have heard this a hundred times, but it all starts within. And I learned it after falling and stumbling multiple times. I learned that the pattern in me that seeks outward relationships was from a place of neediness and desperation. 

The more you align yourself to yourself, the more you know how important it is to have a connection with your inner being. 

The alignment created flow. The flow creates grace. The grace created abundance, power, love. And from that place when you allow a new connection in your life, you don’t seek anymore. You allow, receive, and pour the overflowing love to others. 

Connect with me if you would like to work with me: https://untetheredgoddess.com/work-with-me/


Shveta is a software engineer turned intuitive therapist, an inspired writer/speaker and creator of Untethered Goddess. Her programs and sessions help women to unleash their inner goddess, leading them to live with authenticity and exuberance.

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