Moving Forward before seeing results by Jacqueline Murray

Have you ever had an idea that brings you joy, happiness and just a little scary with it? I’m sure you have, as I have. What have you done with that? Have you taken action towards it? Or have you put it aside? If you haven’t taken any action to bring this idea alive, why? Have you looked at the belief that you have in place? 

Have you stopped yourself bringing an idea to fruition due to not seeing results or enough results along the way? This is what this month’s article is about.

A little background to how I came to write this month’s article – 2023 came along and for me it was just another year, another day and each day has rolled into one and here we are mid January. Taking a moment to pause, I look at my month and think, What have I done this month? What am I going to write about? Nothing came to mind, and the more I thought about it, the more I started to stress and judge myself. Well, this does not achieve anything so I looked into my wellness tool kit and chose yoga, breathwork and a session with Vanessa (HBM Owner extraordinaire). After all this, I allowed the energies to keep untangling and flowing, with no expectation of what would unfold. This is the beauty of having someone to process your ideas with, as it can assist in unravelling and uncovering what is at the core of it all.

I woke to a cooler, rainy morning and a calmness in my inner world. I could feel it, I could feel the idea surfacing, it was just about ready to show itself. I took a breath and I could feel that divine beautiful connection when I know I have connected with The Universe, Spirit, (whatever that is for you) and started writing. I wrote – do the work but need to see results to keep going. WOW just WOW. At that moment I knew why I had stopped myself from doing many things in my life. I need to see the results before I do it. Crazy right?

I felt this sense of urgency, well pushiness actually, as I could feel a nudge to go write about that. Not sure of your experience with Spiritual work, but for me when that is what I need to be doing I get what feels like being pushed to do it now. Here I am writing my article half way through the month on a rainy Monday morning listening to the gentle sounds of nature. 

Let’s look at this: Have you stopped yourself from bringing an idea to fruition due to not seeing results or enough results along the way? Think of an idea that you have had. It could be a business idea, creative idea, something personal for you, career change, travel ideas. It could be absolutely anything. See that idea in front of you and take a deep breath and look within. Look within that place within you, your own knowing, your own intuition and ask: Why didn’t I do that? Why didn’t I take action on that idea? Why didn’t I keep going? What stopped me? No need to go into judgement of yourself. This is about acknowledging a belief that you have hidden that may be stopping you from taking action and following through on your idea. When you know what that belief is, you can then choose to change it.

I’ve started many times with various ideas that I wanted to create and bring to fruition and this morning it slapped me in the face as to why I haven’t completed these ideas. It’s because my underlying belief/program is I need to see results before I do it or keep going with it. I feel like I have been given a precious gift today. The gift of learning more about me, the awareness that I can choose to change this belief now that I have brought it to the surface. This for me feels freeing. My inner world feels a little lighter today. 

We all have beliefs running about every area of our lives. Bringing them to the surface gives us the opportunity to look at them and change them.  If you have an idea that you would love to create and take action on. Here are some questions you can start with to look at what may be stopping you. 

Think of one idea at a time and ask these questions and journal your responses:

  • How do I feel about the idea? Do I feel joy? Do I feel scared? Is it a bit of both?
  • Do I feel any excitement at all about this idea? Does my heart expand with the possibility of doing this?
  • If I took action on this idea, what would that look like? How much time would I need to give it? Be realistic with this.
  • When I think of this idea what is the belief that I have? Will I be able to achieve this? What comes to mind? ( it could be – I don’t know how to do it. I don’t have time. I don’t have funds. Other people are already doing this. There could be many underlying beliefs that come up)
  • What results am I looking for with this idea?
  • If I knew that this idea would bring the results I was after, would I do it? If so, why? If not, why? 

These questions may seem simple but the gift is in the simplicity of it. When working with clients I ask questions like these to assist easing them into connecting with themselves and connecting with the  beliefs that are running. This assists me to connect with the energy of it and ask more questions to help my client unravel what is going on for them. I work with the energy of what shows up and I am very practical in my approach. When we make changes in our life it needs to be sustainable. It starts with one step at a time consistently to create the change that we desire. 

If you are wanting to make changes and not sure how to go about it or where to start. I do one on one sessions with clients either face to face or via zoom. 

You can also have a read of my other articles on the Holistic Bliss website which also give you more tools, questions and strategies.

You can also check out some love from clients I’ve worked with on my website: 

If you feel drawn to have a session, you can connect with me at:

With Love and Gratitude

Jacqueline xx

Jacqueline Murray

Jacqueline Murray is an intuitive energy mentor, assisting people for over 25 years. Maybe you have been searching, learning, seeking and know there is more, Jacqueline is here to guide you if you desire more harmony, clarity and a deeper connection to you.

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