November AstroScopes by Insights by Johnita

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Your focus is on manifesting, creating heaven on Earth, and absolutely believing that your wishes and commands are delivered. Use that powerful mind of yours to bring into fruition all the beautiful things you want to experience.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Are you dimming your brilliant light for the comfort of others? Let your radiance shine this month, let it seep into every area of your life. Take time to see the light in all things and people around you, no matter how difficult this task might seem at first. Don’t dim to fit in.

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You’ll notice that a personal growth stage is about to catapult you into blossoming.  Remember when the cracks happen from within that is when life is about to begin. Any lessons faced in November are happening for you, and not against you.  Let it flow.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

Park your thoughts and reduce your overthinking. Place your heart and eyes on the target and ignore all the peripheral. You’ll have a lot of interesting distractions in November, say ‘aw’ give a moment, but keep moving forward. Keep working towards your North Node.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20)

Verbal expression is how you’ll get things done as we move towards the later part of the year. You’ve been spending some time in quiet retrospection, which has been a fabulous time out, however, it’s now about sharing your learnings and putting your ideas into actions.

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Are you really tuning into what your heart’s desire is? You are a beautiful temple and every answer you will ever know is within you. Ask the questions you seek answers for, and feel for your body’s reaction. Make sure your heart is aligned with your direction and let nothing hold you back.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 222)

 Lots of growth for you this month, with a big focus on ancestral baggage.  Remember, you aren’t meant to, nor do you need to, understanding every aspect of the healing journey. Ask your guides if you need to know anything more about what is happening, and if the answer is no, let it go and move on. It’s already healed.

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22)

You’ll be asked in one way or another to step up and lead a project very soon. Using your sharp analytic way of thinking and applying, you will ace this project. Ignore the self-sabotage, it’s an irrational fear. Remember all those achievements you’ve experienced and prepare for this project to be yet another success.

Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 22)

What is that niggling feeling that keeps popping up?  It’s your Guardian Angel, and if you don’t start listening, your GA will start making life annoying until you do.  Save yourself the frustration and just listen the first time you feel these little redirections.  It is for YOUR greater good.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Gatherings will be front of mind this month.  Some you’ll have picked your outfit out for months in advance, others you will be still in your undies 20 minutes before you’re suppose to leave.  Brave up, little Scorpio, these gatherings are the networking opportunities you’ve been asking for.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

OK.  Time for some tough talk Saggies.  You know I love you, but you’re not capitalising on those intuitive gifts of yours. This month’s homework is focusing on channeling and uplifting humanity. No, I am not mad.  You are made for this. Trust me, if you get started now, by February you will see massive changes.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

The time for you to take that risk you’ve been considering is NOW.  The Universe is urging you to just do it.  Feel the fear and use that as your motivator to move forward.  6 months from now you’ll be so happy that you did it.

Written & Prepared by Insights by Johnita – Private Channeled Readings available – Book on

Insights By Johnita

Johnita has been offering her wisdom for 30 years in Australia and overseas as an intuitive channel, healer, psychic medium and life purpose coach.

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