Part 2 – How Do I Live My Purpose? By Trish Rock

Last month we looked at the question: Why are you here?

Your purpose in this lifetime is more obvious than you think, and in the article, I showed you 3 ways to tune in to why you are here and what your purpose is. 

You can read last month’s article here:

This month in Part 2, I want to explore HOW you live your purpose.

How DO you live your purpose with more ease and support?

Being in the Nail Salon industry for 28 years, I felt like I was on purpose and living that daily. It was only in the later years of my career though that I realised my purpose was not the actual work I did, or the skills in that area. My purpose is to bring a message of light, of self-worthiness, of wholeness. I bring a spark of hope and love into the hearts of my clients that allows them to see how magnificent and unique they are.

There came a point where I didn’t feel I wanted to live my purpose doing the physical career I was in. I wanted to align with more like-minded people who came to see me for change and transformation, not the physical work of the ‘nailcare’ I was offering.

Since then, I have come to understand that those things we love most in life, that bring us joy, excite us, and we would do daily even if we were not being paid – are the very things that are with us all the time, no matter what ‘physical job’ we are doing. And no matter where we are in this life right now in terms of job or career, even if you are in a place you don’t wish to be at this point, you can still find fulfilment daily in so many things you are doing!

Another great example of this is a recent client in the fitness industry. Totally an expert in her field. Training the trainers but feeling like she was not living her purpose anymore after 10 years in this profession.

During our session I was able to show her that she in fact does live her purpose daily because she lights up something inside her clients that is not just about how they look and feel physically. This spark of change within them, not only changes their lives internally and externally (outside of any physical benefits from the fitness training!) but has a knock-on effect to their family and friends too.

Knowing this, changes how she shows up now for work.

Finding more fulfilment in what she is doing now, from where she is now, will also create waves of new alignments where she will be able to take her purpose and grow it in amazing ways that she doesn’t know yet.

And this could be you too.

Notice the moments of joy in your day. It is within these that you will see that you are living your purpose in so many wonderful ways.

I assist and guide the members of my private membership group with these issues and more daily and I love seeing them rising in their life in ways they never thought possible! Living their purpose and passion in ways that fulfil and support them.

I would love to know more about you and your purpose! Connect with me here and let’s have a conversation: 


FB: www.facebook/com/TrishRockSpiritualMentor


M: 0403 489 013

Trish Rock

Trish Rock is a Peace Coach, Best Selling Author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic who helps people to improve their lives through breaking down the barriers to true freedom and holistic wellness. Her clients call her the Queen of Calm because of the peace and clarity she brings into their life.

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