Part 2: What Does it Mean to “TAKE IN” My Mum? By Rebecca-Lee

It is a term meaning “inner embracing”. It is a deep integration of our parents within us, just as they are and were. This “taking in” goes beyond “accepting” your mum, which is a mental attitude that actually, when you feel into it, makes you superior to those we “accept”.

Taking in is a deep soul movement where we recognise and receive that life flowed through our mother and created us. When you can manage this deep soul movement you will become aligned with life and open to receive in all areas of your life. 

For some people I know this is very difficult and hard to imagine, and I know that place. There has been a break in the bond with your mum that has hurt so deeply. No matter how you word it or justify the stance of beyond forgiveness for such hurt, you will always be hurt there. Taking in the mother can be a long, deep and often expansive journey for many; but it can be possible. 

Rejecting who our mother is, on a soul level is saying no to receiving (anything) that is supportive, enriching and abundant in life. When we have issues with our mother’s, often we will also have issues with females in relationship, friendships and even the workplace. Perhaps you struggle in connecting with your own feminine energies, as you have pushed her down deeply – hiding her, protecting her or maybe even disdaining her. 

Heal on the level of the mind, body, heart and soul

I believe it is important to approach our healing on many levels – heart, body, mind, energy and soul. When it comes to our mothers, most of us have so many expectations on what she “should have been like” as a mother. Most mums have never met their children’s expectations of how they should have been loved. 

Some mums were not able to be good mums and that can be hard for the child to forgive. 

If you were given away, or mum was physically or emotionally absent when you reach out to her as an infant, if you felt she did not protect you grow up, or perhaps you felt she was smothering you and you had to take care of her, a part of you rejected her and withdrew in order to protect yourself. Perhaps she was unhappy, depressed, carrying her own family trauma and burdens. Maybe she lived in fear or was ill or had her own attachment trauma with her mum and it was impossible for her to give what she didn’t have. 

Whatever the case, I want to say to you today; “your mother was the right one for you”.

She is the one that was chosen to bring you into life and all that comes with her, your soul chose to begin this life experience. 

What if you could shift your perception of your mother?

What would it mean to you to feel about her differently? Not by-pass anything that has been traumatic, but to look at it differently. What if the mother is the portal to your abundance – an energetic portal to receiving. I am not talking about forgiveness. I am talking about “taking her in”. There is a difference, though forgiveness may end up being part of the journey for you. 

How to heal the mother wound 

Though my work in Unlock Your Love Blocks I have helped many people find the time when their flow of abundance became “interrupted”. When you first reached out to mum and she was not there for you. You can start to “let in” abundance and love into your heart and your life when you find the block to your receiving.

With a heartfelt intention, you can shift your perception with your mother. If she has passed over or it is emotionally, physically, mentally dangerous or toxic for you to be around her, you can still say yes. You don’t have to have her back in your life to do this work. Though over time it has been known for this to change doing this work. 

You do have the capacity to see your mother and why she is your mother in a new light from the healing eyes of the soul.

If you would like to courageously step on to this path visit my website at to see about private Unlock Your Love Blocks’ sessions with me or my Coaches, or enrol in one of the upcoming training modules to enter into this deep soul work. 


Rebecca-Lee is the psychic creator of High Vibration City and Awaken with Rebecca-lee, offering services worldwide to assist with unlocking your love blocks as well as family ancestoral healing.

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