Prevention is better than a cure by Dr Liz Isenring

Did you know that more than 600,000 women were diagnosed with #cervicalcancer & more than 340,000 deaths were caused by cervical cancer globally in 2020?

Embarrassment may deter some women from cervical screening, but early detection saves lives. Don’t let a little embarrassment put you at risk.

As an international speaker, best-selling author, authentic professional with over 150 peer-reviewed scientific papers published & with over 4 million dollars received in research support, I am fully committed to helping YOU to Be Healthy & Stay Healthy using the healing power of nutrition.

One of my specialities is oncology nutrition. MY PURPOSE is to use my heart & my vision to empathise & heal because living life is something bigger than yourself – it’s your health & wellbeing journey!

If you’re ready to overcome self-doubt, confusion, get unstuck from the things holding you back & propel on your journey of becoming the person you were BORN TO BE, I can & know how to help you to BECOME UNSTOPPABLE – through qualifications & the experience, but also my caring & practical approach.

It’s time to take the next step on your journey to confidently pursuing your goals & dreams.

Not tomorrow…

Not next week…

Not when you have time…

Today. Right now. Let’s do this TOGETHER!

If you are seeking to improve your #nutrition, your #energy, and your #vitality, please click the link below to embark yourself on a journey towards the best version of YOU 😁

Liz Isenring

Dr Liz is passionate about improving lives via evidence-based nutrition and wellness consulting. She's a Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics, Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist, author and speaker.

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