Life has a way of showing us where we are out of alignment with who we truly are. Each day we go about our day, living our lives as best as we know how. Each day we have events or situations happen that give us the opportunity to stop and check in with where we are at. Often though we are so busy being busy that these opportunities go by without us even noticing. We may feel that something isn’t right in our world when this happens, but we are so caught up in what we are doing that we don’t stop and look at it.
I had an event happen that not only caught my attention and stopped me but also created so much pain in my heart that it took me three days to get to a point where I started to feel some peace with it all. I didn’t know where to even start unpacking it. I’m truly blessed as I always have people checking on me and each beautiful person that did check on me, gave me more and more awareness of where I was out of alignment.
It came down to: How can others receive me and see me and acknowledge me, when I do not receive me, see me or acknowledge me for all that I am.
Wow. That was certainly an eye opener for me. No wonder my heart hurt so much. I was being so unkind to myself.
💜Where are you not receiving you?
💜Where are you not seeing you?
💜Where are you not acknowledging you?
💜Where are you not being all that you are?
When we receive all of who we are or not receive all of who we are, life reflects that back to us. Are you taking the time to stop and see the gifts that life is reflecting back to you? Are you noticing where you may be out of alignment with you?
This year, 2025 is a number 9, completion year. The year where we get to let go of anything that we truly know is out of alignment with who we are and what we would love to have in our life. Is it time for you to start acknowledging that now is the time to start making steps towards this?
If you are needing guidance and support, I offer mentoring sessions. You can connect with me at:
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