As women reaching the midlife phase, we come to realise how much has changed within us. This may be evident from physical and psychological changes flashing before us like a red siren, often accompanied by one or more of the typical (or otherwise) symptoms of perimenopause/menopause.
Our 40s and 50s are quite a different landscape to our 20s and 30s; our bodies, minds and souls have entered a new phase; and can no longer function in the same way as they did in our earlier years. Sometimes women are faced with external judgement of physical appearance or behaviors and may even receive comments such as ‘you’ve changed’ directed in a negative way. My response to this is; ‘yes, because we’re supposed to’! Opinions like this can wreak havoc on our self-esteem, and our confidence to be seen and heard out in the world, and this tends to make us fade into the background, bringing on a sense of loneliness and uncertainty of where we belong.
So, how do we address these psychological challenges induced by this hormonal phase in addition to other significant issues being experienced within our psyche?
I personally do not believe in quick fixes or overnight cures, but rather by exploring ways to pivot from this defeated feeling into creating a more meaningful life full of love and joy.
I like to say that the answers are always within, and they are, so it is about finding a way to bring them to the surface. I’ll insert a caveat here – although the answers are often found within by leaning in, and listening to, the whispers of our souls, we can however become too embedded in this process, doing more harm than good, and therefore completely upsetting our homeostasis! There can be a fine line between exploring our true path in a way that uplifts us, rather than in a damaging way that we become unhealthily obsessive about details of the process, which just throws us off course.
I get it, the perimenopause/menopause phase, (and life in general), can be messy, BUT if we allow the ‘veil’ to lower and fall away, we CAN find a place of deep fulfillment and grace.
Working on our Solar Plexus Chakra, along with meditation and physical activity, is a way to harness inner strength in midlife, helping us to tap into our personal power and boost our self-confidence. This can help us to activate this Chakra to unlock our full potential, overcome self-doubt and fear to take the steps needed towards achieving our goals.
*The Solar Plexus Chakra is a vital energy centre located above the navel, where our personality, identity and ego sit.
Let’s ask ourselves the hard questions…
What is and is not working for me right now?
If not now, when?
Why not me?
Who am I?
Who did I come here to be?
Am I listening to the whispers of my soul?
Hey, I totally understand and appreciate that these questions are not necessarily easy to answer without doing some soul searching, (which is ever evolving), into our ‘why’, and revisiting our fundamental values. Using affirmations and journalling are great tools to tap into our divine guidance of finding our way home to our authentic selves, which brings us back to ‘going within’, where we’ll find the answers.
Remember HER… It’s our time, right here, right now! It’s time to share our gifts, our thoughts and our voices to raise our vibrations, and to increase a higher frequency and consciousness for the Collective to live in peace and harmony.
Let’s go out there and do it together, women supporting women. We are stronger together!
Connect with Lucy:
Feeling a sense of not belonging? This is exactly when we need to go out there to find our TRIBE, our identity is a direct result of who we regularly interact with. You’re most welcome to join us in the Women’s Midlife Collective’s private Facebook group.
Chakra Harmony: Empowering Midlife Women
Chakra Harmony is designed for midlife women who are ready to embrace this transformative phase. Whether you’re seeking balance, empowerment, or simply a deeper connection with yourself and others, this course is tailored to meet your needs.
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