Colour is a universal language which can help us in the process of individuation and self-realisation. Aura-Soma® works with the spectrum of visible colour as well as the information encoded in the sequence of colour combinations.
Royal Blue
The royal blue area in our body is where our sense doors are located: eyes, ears, nose and mouth. From an Aura-Soma perspective, Royal Blue can help to bring clarity to each of our senses providing us potential for clarity.
The natural authority of royal blue, as a result of this clarity, sensitivity and intuitive perception with our sense doors can lead to clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. As such, royal blue can also nurture our ability to relate and bring clarity to our communication.
When we develop the ability to witness – to watch ourselves in the midst of all that occurs mentally and emotionally – we have the possibility to learn to dis-identify with our reactions and opinions. This development of clarity leads to sensory experiences unfolding in a new way, with our reactivity not being extended beyond ourselves. Ultimately this leads to our ability to witness what is happening with detachment, as we witness our Self with sensitivity and complete presence.
Our Aura-Soma Royal Blue Pomander helps to foster the development of the higher mind functions, sometimes referred to as a sixth sense. It can also provide protection when we are receiving inspiration, as well as to help open us to our imagination. Working with and applying royal blue can help amplify our perception of our senses, and as a result enhancing our pleasure and enjoyment of life and living.
How to Benefit from Colour
Aura-Soma engages us at our sense doors. Whilst it is intriguing to look at the colours and colour combinations to see which ones call to us, it is far more effective to actually use the various Equilibrium bottles, Pomanders. Quintessences, ArchAngeloi and Colour Essences. Doing so and experiencing the liquids and aromas can bring rapid personal growth, balance and support in our journey toward ourselves.
Steiner explains this living experience as such:
‘We must bring to life what is in the colour, not by practicing colour symbolism, which is the worst possible thing, but by actually discovering what is in colour, in the same way as the power of laughter is in someone who laughs. … The essential thing is to know how to open our souls to what speaks to us out of colour.’
Mike Booth is the principal of Aura-Soma Academy and chairman of Aura-Soma Products Ltd
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T: 0448 632 636
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