Stop rushing and take a moment by Jacq Koloski

As we approach the end of October, I’ve taken some time out to reflect on my journey these past few months and where I am headed. I’ve spent a few months now clearing out items that are no longer needed and a letting go of stuff. It’s amazing when you really stop and look at it all as to how little you really need. It’s been a very big few months and here I am now having time out with my family before I start the next chapter of my life. 

This year for me has seen my kids fly the nest, a new relationship start and is going great, moving out of the area I called home for sixteen years, a new home and starting a new job soon and it’s only October. It’s been busy and full and at times has felt that all I did was rush around. It’s nice to stop, breathe and take a moment. 

Instead of pulling an oracle card I use my book Jacq’s Musings. I hold it between my palms and hold it to my heart and ask:”What do I need to know right now?” and then open to a page. Below is the excerpt that showed up for me. I love how the message is just what I need for where I am now. 

Stop Rushing and Take a Moment

How often do we rush through our day, which becomes a week, a month and before you know it, another year has gone? Cherish each experience, let those you love know, and try that thing you have been putting off, book that holiday, make plans, take action and create a life you love. I guarantee each day will keep ticking over whether you do this or not. I know I have moments that stop me in my tracks. I question everything, and I mean everything. Then I pick myself up and ask, ‘What do I desire to create as my life?’ I have had miracles show up in my life that have reminded me that the Universe has my back, as I have my own back. Some days appear harder and the one gift that truly gets me through is reminding myself how far I have come. I choose and I act. Every tiny step counts. Look for the gifts in your life; they are there.

For the first time this week, I have sat in my favourite spot to start my day and it feels blissfully peaceful. This is my space to reflect and it nurtures me. It’s been an interesting week. The main theme has been communication (well, lack of and misinterpretation) and also what people will do to ‘save’ themselves. It reminded me to look at what I value. How I communicate with myself and others. How I treat myself and others. What’s important to me and what I do to create my life. I choose to create my life with awareness and for my higher purpose/good. When I do this, it always creates more for me and those around me. Actions have flow-on effects. What actions are you choosing? Change is in the air. Its intensity has been building and the gentle push to choose greater has arrived. When you feel like you have been slapped, you know it’s time to choose something different, even if something is staring you in the face. Until you are at a place of being ready to choose differently, you will deny it, not see it, push it away or do anything else you do habitually so you don’t have to choose differently. This is OK. When you are ready, you will choose it. Give yourself the space to take time out for yourself and look within. What needs to move on? What needs to change? What else is available for you? What else can you create and receive? Keep asking.

A beautiful timely message to stop rushing around and remind myself to ask: “What do I want as my life?”

Give yourself the gift of taking time out to stop and reflect on your year. What is it you still would like to do for you? Be realistic and take action towards making it happen. This is your life and you get to choose and make it as beautiful and magical as you can. You are worth it.

If you are needing guidance and support I offer mentoring sessions. You can connect with me at:

If you would like to order your own copy of Jacq’s Musings, please click here: JACQ’s MUSINGS

Big hugs and love. 

Jacq xx

Jacq Koloski

Jacq Koloski is an intuitive energy mentor and accomplished author, who empowers individuals to find clarity, heal, flourish and craft a life they love through her workshops and sessions.

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